Apex Legends Horizon Nerf Explained

Apex Legends Horizon Nerf Explained
Images via Respawn Entertainment

Written by 

Coleman Hamstead


17th Jan 2023 16:00

Horizon fans are in disarray following an unannounced Apex Legends Horizon nerf. There's no denying that Horizon is one of the best legends in Apex Legends, but this surprise nerf wasn't even mentioned in the patch notes. So, is it true? What's the deal with the Apex Legends Horizon nerf?

Apex Legends Horizon Nerf Explained

While the focus of the Apex Legends Spellbound Collection Event is on cosmetics, the update did include a short list of balance changes and bug fixes. The majority of these were brought up in the patch notes, but not everything.

Horizon, in particular, received a couple of stealth nerfs that the developers failed to mention. The update completely changed how weapons behave while inside Horizon's Gravity Lift. 

Previously, players could strafe and fire their weapons in Horizon's Tactical with little penalty to their accuracy. Following the nerf, it's nearly impossible to precisely hit a target.

Also, Horizon's Black Hole no longer pulls enemies through walls or Gibraltar's Dome of Protection.

Apex Legends Horizon Nerf: Is It A Nerf Or A Bug?

This shadow nerf to Horizon stirred up the Apex Legends community. Why would Respawn Entertainment make such a weighty change to Horizon without mentioning it in the patch notes?

It turns out that the nerf to Horizon's Gravity Lift was actually an unintended bug, not a legitimate nerf. While the changes to Horizon's Ultimate ability remain, a fix has already been rolled out to revert the adjustments to accuracy inside the Gravity Lift.

What Does The Apex Legends Horizon Nerf Mean For The Future?

Unfortunately for Horizon mains, it sounds like, despite the revert, a nerf is still coming, it's just a matter of time. Quoting the Tweet announcing the inadvertent nerf, Josh Medina, Senior Producer at Respawn Entertainment, stated that "sometimes things escape that aren’t fully ready for prime time".

With that said, don't be surprised if similar nerfs befall Horizon in Apex Legends Season 16.

So, that's what's going on with the Apex Legends Horizon nerf. A lot has unfolded, but it seems like Horizon is safe — for now. Expect this popular legend to receive an official nerf sometime in Season 16.

For more Apex Legends guides, keep reading GGRecon.

Coleman Hamstead
About the author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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