Xbox Fans Furious At PlayStation Skin Being Better Than 100-Tier Battle Pass

Xbox Fans Furious At PlayStation Skin Being Better Than 100-Tier Battle Pass
Infinity Ward

Written by 

Jack Marsh


9th Feb 2023 16:36

With Modern Warfare 2 on the horizon, a new string of skins and Operators are coming, as a Japanese theme takes over the franchise to celebrate Ashika Island's arrival.

However, Xbox and PC players are feeling rather hard done by this time around, and there could be some drastic consequences for Activision's Sony favouritism.

Ahead of the new season, a brand-new PlayStation-exclusive skin has been revealed, leaving Xbox and PC players to go as far as planning a Battle Pass boycott in protest.

Xbox Fans Furious At PlayStation Exclusive Skin

This Season, the Tier-100 Battle Pass skin will be a black and red Ronin design, paying homage to his samurai ancestors of Ashika Island.

Yet PlayStation Plus members are also getting a free skin just for playing. Unfortunately, it massively overshadows Ronin's skin, as a red tiger mask and crimson armour padding makes for quite the bad-ass operator outfit.

"And then PlayStation starts crying when CoD being exclusive to Xbox talk comes up," said one outraged fan on Twitter.

At least one silver lining is that opposition players on Xbox and PC will never see the PlayStation-exclusive Oni skin, as it only shows up for players using the Sony consoles.

Modern Warfare 2 Players Are Boycotting Season 2 Battle Pass

Following the recent Battle Pass mid-ifying, players are now vowing to boycott the Season 2 Battle Pass. Content Creator "Xclusive Ace" is leading the charge, claiming this will be the first pass since Modern Warfare 2019 that he will miss out on.

"As someone that's only interested in the paid portion of MWII, I've decided for the first time ever, I won't be buying the Battle Pass," he said.

The content creator isn't the only person boycotting the pass either. "100% with you!" claimed a fan. "I'm on Playstation, I can just get the new PS+ exclusive skin and basically have a better skin than the tier-100 skin in Season 2".

Season 2's Battle Pass also includes a string of challenges to unlock the Crossbow, which many players are looking to skip out on in favour of this strike.

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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