Warzone Cheaters Are Flying Around The Map On Motorbikes

Warzone Cheaters Are Flying Around The Map On Motorbikes
Images via Raven Software

Written by 

Joseph Kime


8th Sep 2021 14:19

Hackers in Warzone are growing to be the domineering force that guides gameplay. It’s incredibly depressing to see the battle royale fall prey to cheaters in the way that it has, as not only are they rife, they’re also getting bolder. Raven Software’s attempts to keep cheaters away are growing weaker, so hackers don’t actually have anything to worry about any more - they can just break the game entirely uncontested and crack on with ruining the experience for everyone else.

If we sound salty, it’s because we are, just like the majority of Warzone players. There’s nothing that can truly stop these players, and as the game falls further into helplessness, cheaters are going wild. So wild, in fact, that they’re now flying around the map on the back of ground vehicles.

Cheaters Are Flying Around On Motorbikes Now

Oh, good. It looks like cheaters are taking to the skies now, as new hacks have been introduced that allow players to soar through the air on the back of land vehicles.

In an impassioned Reddit post from Aquillo3D, we can see that already, the hacks are being put to use to dominate other players in their lobbies. As a streamer is mysteriously killed, we can see in the killcam that two hackers are sat on the back of a motorbike that fires straight up into the air, zeroes in on the player and hits them at incredible speed, downing them instantly.

There’s nothing that the streamer can do about it, and there’s certainly no way he could have seen it coming. This hack is one that’s going to cause some serious trouble in games, as there’s no real way to counter such an attack.

But, as it turns out, we may actually have someone to blame for this.

FaZe Kalei Asked For Flying Cars In Warzone

A lot of players are side-eyeing FaZe Kalei right now, as in response to a long list of hacks that were incoming to the game, she made a joke that has become a depressing reality.

Twitter account Modern Warzone shared some of the cheats that would be imminently arriving in Warzone, she replied in jest “I wanna see flying cars next”. Whoops.

It looks like Kalei’s wish came true, much to the dismay of the casual Warzone players. Looks like we need to be careful what we wish for - because it’s clear that the game’s hackers don’t have much in the way of boundaries.

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Joseph Kime
About the author
Joseph Kime
Joseph Kime is the Trending News Journalist for GGRecon from Devon, UK. Before graduating from MarJon University with a degree in Journalism, he started writing music reviews for his own website before writing for the likes of FANDOM, Zavvi and The Digital Fix. He is host of the Big Screen Book Club podcast, and author of Building A Universe, a book that chronicles the history of superhero movies. His favourite games include DOOM (2016), Celeste and Pokemon Emerald.
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