Switch Players Hate GoldenEye 007’s 'Awful' Controls

Switch Players Hate GoldenEye 007’s 'Awful' Controls
Rare | Nintendo

Written by 

Tom Chapman


27th Jan 2023 14:03

It's happening, it's finally happening. After years of failed remakes and rights issues, GoldenEye 007 is finally on the Nintendo Switch and Xbox. Sadly, it's not all it's cracked up to be.

When it comes to seminal shooters, the likes of DOOM and GoldenEye paved the way. The latter proved that first-person shooters can work on home consoles, and without it, we likely wouldn't have Battlefield, Call of Duty, or Halo.

While GoldenEye 007 made its name on the N64, the fact that developer Rare is now owned by Microsoft has made getting the game on modern systems pretty tricky.

Why Do Fans Hate GoldenEye 007 On Switch?

Uh oh, those console wars are heating up again. Even though GoldenEye 007 on Switch might look like it has the advantage because it has online multiplayer when Xbox doesn't, the retro shooter is being torn apart on social media.

The button mapping for GoldenEye 007 is a bit archaic, and with shooters (unsurprisingly) having come a long way since 1997, you're used to a very different kind of gameplay.

The game might be a classic, but it turns out its controls are as well. "As expected, NSO+'s default controls for Goldeneye are awful," raged one critic.

Another fumed, "I get that they've probably gone for the authentic N64 controls. But man, they've not aged well," while an Xbox owner added, "Xbox GoldenEye actually has modernized controls and it's a night and day difference."

Not everyone is against this style of gameplay, though. One nostalgic gamer concluded, "Some advice for the 23-year-olds who are about to sh*t on Goldeneye because it has 'bad controls' - Don't. Instead, take ten minutes to adapt, and then experience one of the most influential games the medium has ever known."

Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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