Nintendo And Microsoft Clarify GoldenEye 007 Multiplayer

Nintendo And Microsoft Clarify GoldenEye 007 Multiplayer
Rare | Nintendo | Microsoft

Written by 

Tom Chapman


14th Sep 2022 14:55

There was one particular announcement from the September 13 Nintendo Direct that left us shaken (and stirred), with the surprise announcement that Rare's GoldenEye 007 is coming to modern consoles. It's been 25 years since James Bond first stared down the gun barrel, so it's about time we got to jump off the dam for a new generation of gaming. 

Although many credit Doom as birthing the first-person shooter, it was GoldenEye 007's arrival on the Nintendo 64 that proved the genre could thrive on home consoles. GoldenEye is frequently cited as one of the best video games of all time, and although we had a 2010 remake on the Wii, we're long overdue another mission. Thankfully, Nintendo Switch and Xbox owners are in luck. Sorry if you're a Sony Pony.

Will GoldenEye 007 Include Online Multiplayer?

One of Goldeneye 007's best features was multiplayer which added the likes of Jaws and Oddjob to the mix. This were going to be made even better by the Xbox Live Arcade rerelease that was in development around 2008. Sadly, it was canned just two months before release due to a complicated right row and the eventual release of the Wii game. 

On the game's official website, it's been confirmed that Switch fans are getting an added bonus. The GoldenEye 007 description reads: "Exclusive to the new Switch version of the 1997 title will be online play, allowing 007 fans across the world to take part in the popular four person multiplayer mode." There have been questions about whether the Xbox port will have the same perk, but we've got bad news for you. 

In a statement to VGC, a Microsoft spokesperson confirmed, "Xbox is excited to bring GoldenEye 007 to Xbox Game Pass for the very first time – a faithful recreation of a much-loved and iconic title. While there are no plans to include online multiplayer as part of GoldenEye 007 on Xbox Game Pass, Xbox is focused on bringing this title to players in the way they fondly remember, including local multiplayer mode, allowing up to four players to take to the couch in a battle of wits and skill." So, if you want to best your pals with the Golden Gun, you're going to have to rally around someone's house. 


What Else Do We Know About GoldenEye 007?

GoldenEye 007
Click to enlarge
Rare | Nintendo

If you're disappointed, don't worry, there's still plenty of bang for your buck. Rare is now owned by Microsoft and confirms that the Xbox Game Pass release will include new "achievements, 4K resolution and a smoother framerate – even in split-screen local multiplayer!" Those who already own Rare Replay will also be gifted GoldenEye 007 for free.

It's currently unclear what Nintendo will offer in terms of improvements, but even if we get a pretty standard version that harks back to the 1997 OG, at least we'll have online multiplayer. Other N64 games, including Mario Kart 64 and Star Fox 64, have also been given online multiplayer, so it appears to be a popular trend among classic N64 titles. We can't wait to see the inevitable GoldenEye 007 tournaments that are sure to take over the shooter scene. 

Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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