Shipment Remaster Found Within Al Mazrah Warzone Map

Shipment Remaster Found Within Al Mazrah Warzone Map
Infinity Ward

Written by 

Jack Marsh


3rd Nov 2022 09:46

Infinity Ward will undoubtedly be quite aware of the success that Shipment can bring to its Modern Warfare series - given that the 2019 title hosted arguably the most popular rendition of the map that is often remastered for new games.

Now, it looks like IW is keen to pick up where Shipment left off in the series reboot predecessor, by remastering Shipment again for Modern Warfare 2. "Shoot the Ship" was by far the most populated LTM that would arrive in MW2019, featuring Shoot House and Shipment, and serving as a great way to level up guns from constant engagements. 

Having allowed fans to fall back in love with the map - initially born in CoD 4 - Infinity Ward has redesigned the location once again.

Shipment Remaster Found On A Ship In Al Mazrah

With Warzone 2 rumoured to be bringing back many iconic franchise locales when it arrived in mid-November, one leaker has already found a Shipment Easter egg that takes place on a ship.

Well, it's more of a barge boat if truth be told, but the cargo containers can be spotted in the typical Shipment style, allowing for the mid-map intersection and cover in each of the four corners.

The Shipment area is off the coast of Al Mazrah, and can only be accessed by taking a long path out to see and stepping on the barge. As multiplayer fans might be able to notice, there does seem to be an extra area in each of the spawn sides - which could be chopped out if it arrives in Modern Warfare 2.

Quarry, Highrise, Afghan, Dome, Terminal, Rust, And Storm All Found In Al Mazrah 

Although Shipment steals the headlines, the leaker "GhostOfSaba" has also found confirmation of the rumours that Al Mazrah will also host MW2 classics Quarry, Terminal, and Highrise. Images that also appear to show Afghan have also been found, while MW3's unmistakable Dome has been confirmed too.

Arguably the most interesting inclusion is Storm, a map which isn't quite as renowned as the others in this list because it came in the Stimulus DLC alongside Crash. It still boasts a good short-range combat zone that would be a perfect looting spot in Warzone 2 and serves as a popular multiplayer map. These remastered Warzone areas could also be added to the 'Greatest Hits DLC' in 2023.

Fans of the old-school Modern Warfare 2 are set to love the Al Mazrah map, which blends nostalgia with new creative, which could also seep into the multiplayer modes too.

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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