Ranked Mode Is Coming To Warzone Before Its Death

Ranked Mode Is Coming To Warzone Before Its Death
Raven Software

Written by 

Jack Marsh


13th Jul 2022 12:10

Before you stop yourself getting giddy, this isn't just another Iron Trials PR ploy to paper over the cracks of an absent ranked mode, this is actually about a Warzone ranked mode. You can be forgiven for any scepticism, but we're here for ranked news, and it appears that Warzone fans might not have to wait until the sequel after all.

Previously, a ranked mode in Warzone has been snubbed in favour of Iron Trials which, despite adding a more competitive edge to the game, fell very short of quenching the thirst of those players who want to see their progression be rewarded. 

The mode added a slower TTK rate and a lower reliance on RNG to be successful, yet with no ladder to climb and accolades to achieve, it soon petered out, leaving fans yearning for an actual ranked mode. Now, leaks suggest that fans won't have to wait much longer, and a Warzone ranked game mode is on the way.

Warzone To Add Ranked Mode Before Dying

With a sequel to Warzone in the works, the battle royale as we know it is on its last legs and has now become quite the guinea pig for Raven Software to experiment on. 

Fortune's Keep came as the first test, which proved that Raven Software had more than enough talent up their sleeves, and now, ahead of Warzone 2, leaks suggest that we'll be getting an early taste of the ranked mode that will be used in the sequel.

According to the renowned leaker "TheGhostOfHope", Raven Software will be adding a soft launch of the ranked mode, intended for Warzone 2, into the current Warzone game to test the waters and iron out any finer details.


Warzone Ranked Mode Will Serve As A Beta For Warzone 2

The leak suggests that the Warzone ranked mode will be a "Blueprint" for the sequel, which will mean the mode won't be fully-fledged but still have the basics of what any ranked mode should have. 

A wealth of players have yearned for a Warzone ranked mode in the past, including heavyweight streamers like Nick "NICKMERCS" Kolcheff, who himself turned to Apex Legends for that exact reason. Even CoD mogul Seth "Scump" Abner identified the lack of ranked mode for Warzone's decline.

Even in its infancy, a Warzone ranked mode would prove good for player retention, and seen as though Infinity Ward has already pledged that ranked is also coming early in Modern Warfare 2, it appears that the competitive Charlies will be well-rewarded this year.

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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