MW2 Early Access Could Feature Campaign Playthrough And Al Asad Operator

MW2 Early Access Could Feature Campaign Playthrough And Al Asad Operator

Written by 

Jack Marsh


28th Jul 2022 15:33

Over the last few years, the Call of Duty franchise has experimented with quite a few different ways of ramping up hype and expectations for their annual releases, mainly through Alpha and Beta runs of the game.

The last two instalments especially saw Activision's minions get quite creative. Cold War's Beta turned out to be The Fall of Gru given that their fully content creator lobbies saw Seth "Scump" Abner rain hell on the hairless Tim "TimTheTatman" Betar. Vanguard's King of the Hill Alpha also toyed with a brand new game mode shortly to be followed by a bog-standard full-game test.

Now, it appears that Infinity Ward will look to hold their beta in a completely new way, which doesn't make too much good reading for Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer hopefuls.

Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Early Access Leaked

Ahead of a leaked date in September for the Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer reveal, leakers have now found files that hint to an early release of the campaign.

Alongside the early release comes one of the campaign's most feared baddies. Al Asad was recently leaked to be one of four villains coming back to the franchise, and it now appears that he is coming back in a pre-order bundle and will be available in Modern Warfare 2.

No dates or times have been a part of the speculation. However, it could mean that the campaign is added for the beta in order for players to get a taste for the guns and movement before trying out multiplayer on the game's full release

Another viable option is that the Modern Warfare 2 Campaign early access is yet another deal with Sony which allows PlayStation players to get the game early, much akin to how they were gifted an extra beta weekend and two days of Vanguard multiplayer before PC and Xbox gamers.

What Does Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Early Access Mean For Multiplayer?

Typically, some form of multiplayer experience has been shared by now, in terms of the annual release cycle - or at least by mid-August. Most years, the first glimpse of multiplayer action comes at the CDL World Championships Grand Finals. 

This year, we'll be granted a record number of Modern Warfare 2 beta codes, but no word of a multiplayer viewing has been mentioned. Combined with a disregard for the mode for early access, fans might be valid in thinking that the game is far from complete and Infinity Ward is facing a race against time to get multiplayer ready and avoid a repeat of Vanguard's disastrous launch. 

Whether this is being mulled over too much or it is just a fun and entertaining way of being reintroduced to Task Force 141, is yet to be seen. 

All that we know is that a Modern Warfare 2 Campaign early access appears to be coming, giving us a fresh look at the iconic Call of Duty characters. 

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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