Minnesota ROKKR Will Award Major II Winners With Awesome Nordic Trophy

Minnesota ROKKR Will Award Major II Winners With Awesome Nordic Trophy
Minnesota ROKKR

Written by 

Jack Marsh


31st Mar 2022 08:48

The lack of trophies in Call of Duty has been a hot topic, both in-game and out of the game. Whether it be the developers claiming that the World War II setting is too old-school for Trophy Systems, despite adding luminous neon weapon skins and an outrageous Attack on Titan collaborative zombie skin that hardly screams "realism", or the fact that the only notable relic that you are awarded for winning a Call of Duty Major championship is an on-stage piccy, there seems to be a serious lack of trophies within the scene.

So, if you want a job done, do it yourself. That’s what the Nords would have done, and that's what their honourable representatives of the modern era are doing.

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Minnesota ROKKR Unveil Awesome CDL Major II Trophy

Ahead of hosting the second Major of the Call of Duty League season, Minnesota ROKKR has revealed that the winning team will be awarded an awesomely designed trophy, typical of their Viking-esque branding.

The winner's shield is a token to ROKKR’s meaning - an old Norse mythology saying meaning "Twilight of the Gods", also doubling as a spinning wheel that is used to stitch battle armour as well as finer materials. Decorated in the violescent stripes of the ROKKR branding, the Viking shield will serve as the first trophy to be awarded to a Call of Duty team, aside from at the World Championships, since the franchised CDL series was created in the Modern Warfare era.

ROKKR’s trophy is just one of many stops that will be pulled out from the Minneapolis-based franchise, as they look to continue growing their reputation of having one of the best fan bases in the entire league. With tickets now sold out for the two days fans are allowed to attend, ROKKR is also putting on a range of watch parties and will likely have a few more surprises ready to be unsheathed.


OpTic Texas Also Re-creating A Trophy For Their Major I Win

Following their success in the first Major, it became noticeable that the only keepsake that OpTic Texas got was taking a team picture on stage. Oh, and the wad of cash that comes with the win, but we do like visual elements, as fans.

In retrospect of their win, OpTic Texas Co-Owner, Hector "H3CZ" Rodriguez, is also emulating ROKKR’s idea of producing a trophy and will be making one for his own squad to be placed on the Green Wall’s ever-growing collection of silverware.

Texas are also in a prime position to get their hands on the ROKKR shield, having equalled the longest win streak in CDL history. Their upper bracket advantage does see Seattle Surge, and likely Atlanta FaZe lie in their way on the path to the finals, where Minnesota ROKKR will also be looking to continue the trend of winning on home turf.

Just as the Vikings were known for their brutality, the CDL Major II will be a bloodbath of the most skilled warriors, and only one team can take home the shield - at least this time it will be worth getting a picture with.

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Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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