Guardians Of The Galaxy Game Is An Eye-Watering 150 GB

Guardians Of The Galaxy Game Is An Eye-Watering 150 GB
Square Enix

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


18th Oct 2021 12:42

According to the system requirements on the Steam page for the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy game, it will need a whopping storage space of 150 GB. Big if true.

We can already hear the cries of those unlucky enough to have data caps, but for those who need a reference: that’s bigger than Microsoft Flight Simulator, Final Fantasy XV, and Hitman 2.

It’s even the same size as Red Dead Redemption 2 which is a behemoth of a game, so we’re unsure why the new Guardians warrants such a huge installation. Maybe all the Rick Astley?

What are the Guardians of the Galaxy requirements?

The other requirements are not quite as hefty, with some quite generous minimum specifications, meaning those with older hardware will still have a chance to experience the galactic adventure. The rest of the requirements, taken from the Steam page, are as follows:

    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • OS: Windows® 10 64 bit Build 1803
    • Processor: AMD Ryzen™ 5 1400 / Intel® Core™ i5-4460
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 / AMD Radeon™ RX 570
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Storage: 150 GB available space
    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • OS: Windows® 10 64 bit Build 1803
    • Processor: AMD Ryzen™ 5 1600 / Intel® Core™ i7-4790
    • Memory: 16 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1660 Super / AMD Radeon™ RX 590
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Storage: 150 GB available space

When will the Guardians of the Galaxy game release?

Apart from a prior Telltale series, the Guardians were yet to have a mainstream title to themselves until now. The game will be released on October 26 and features a new adventure for the loveable group of rogues as they set out across the cosmos. You’ll play as Star-Lord as he leads the group and a doggo into battle, calling the shots and inspiring them with some of the 80’s best music. The fan-favourite Marvel character Adam Warlock is even set to make an appearance.

Until then we suggest you start pre-downloading right away if you can, as it should be done just in time for the 26th.


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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