GTA 6's First Teaser 'Will Be Released Alongside The Trilogy Remaster'

GTA 6's First Teaser 'Will Be Released Alongside The Trilogy Remaster'

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


19th Oct 2021 14:05

Gaming’s worst kept secret, the Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition, was officially announced earlier this month, and now it’s rumoured that a teaser for GTA VI will be released along with it. 

What Are The Rumours About A GTA VI Reveal?

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So sadly they’re coming from the internet’s favourite - or least favourite, depending on whom you ask - cesspit 4Chan. As 4Chan is fully anonymous, take these rumours with a grain of salt as we cannot confirm it from any verified source. They also love trolling people over there like it’s their full-time job, so maybe we’re all part of an anon’s latest ruse. 

According to the source, Rockstar will finally be teasing GTA VI on November 23, by posting its logo to their Twitter and Newswire. This is set to be a week after the release date of GTA: The Trilogy, which will feature remasters of the beloved 3D timeline titles, like GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas - though they suggest it could be delayed.

The source also suggests we’ll be getting a more comprehensive trailer for the remastered trilogy on October 22, which is this upcoming Friday. If all these rumours are true, November is set to be a big month for the GTA series - so let’s see what happens on Friday. 

What Do We Know About GTA VI So Far?

Surprisingly little apart from hearsay and rumours yet. Rockstar like to keep their cards close to their chest when it comes to GTA news, but there are some substantial murmurings involving the latest title. 

According to consistent leaks, we’ll be returning to the Miami, Florida inspired Vice City in the next title, which we last visited as Tommy Vercetti during the titular game back in 2002. The last two titles have been part of the HD timeline, so if we do return, expect Vice City to look a little different.

Other odd leaks state that the next title may include some more dynamic weather effects than previous titles, like hurricanes and even dinosaurs! Well... alligators. It seems random, but Florida as a whole is partial to both things, with its swampy locales and coastal location near the Mexican Gulf. 

Regardless of where the next title is situated, we’re excited to dive in and experience more of GTA’s biting satire on American society, but if you can’t wait, at least you can experience the older titles anew with the upcoming remasters.


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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