Fallout Set Photos Tease A Live-Action New Vegas Adaptation

Fallout Set Photos Tease A Live-Action New Vegas Adaptation
Amazon | Obsidian Entertainment

Written by 

Tom Chapman


18th Aug 2022 15:23

Okay, so at this point, we've pretty much given up hope about seeing a sequel to Obsidian's Fallout: New Vegas. Although there have been whispers that Microsoft could be looking at an Xbox-exclusive return, it's just a pipe dream for us hopeful vault dwellers. 

It's a shame that New Vegas is remembered as the black sheep of the Fallout family - despite being held as one of the greatest RPGs of all time. As Bethesda busied itself on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Obsidian was tossed the Fallout name. Still, the spin-off arguably became so much more than most mainline Fallout games. With this in mind, Amazon's upcoming Fallout series could honour New Vegas in live-action. 

Is The Fallout Series A Live-Action New Vegas Adaptation?

Although there's still no release date for Amazon's much-hyped live-action Fallout series, things are starting to come into focus. Filming will include Ant-Man and the Wasp's Walton Goggins, Twin Peaks' Kyle MacLachlan, and Yellowjackets' Ella Purnell as its leading lady.

Leaked set photos have already shown off the familiar locale of Super Duper Mart, a game-accurate recreation of a vault, and (excitingly) the iconic Power Armour. The latest slew of pictures give a better hint of the game's story, which might be teasing a live-action New Vegas arc. Before they were deleted, Twitter account @LoneVaultWanderer showed off the interior of a vault - complete with a nursery, a classroom, and what looks like a farm. 

Along with a Vault Boy propaganda poster, it's all pretty standard fodder. However, it's the mention of a specific vault that should pique your interest. The common area includes the number 32, seemingly confirming that the main setting will be Vault 32. In his video, the OP explains how Fallout vaults are numbered geographically. The Fallout 3 and 4 vaults of Washington and Boston are in the hundreds, while earlier games are lower numbers. As New Vegas contains Vault 34, it's not hard to connect the dots here. 


Why Is Vault 32 Important?

Fallout New Vegas
Click to enlarge
Obsidian Entertainment

Other sources have referred to the set as "Shelter 33." This would be weird considering Fallout has always been known for "vaults," and it's also unclear where 33 is coming from apart from earlier leaks with the number in them. If you want to know more about Vault 32, we're as in the dark as you are. In the franchise's history, there's the spore zombie-ravaged Vault 22 and the futuristic Vault 112 that trapped everyone in a simulation, but no Vault 32. 

Some have taken this to mean that Amazon's Fallout series isn't in the same canon as the games, but it's more likely it's exploring a vault we haven't seen before. None of the castings include characters from the games, so it's possible creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy are telling their own story that's still under the umbrella of canon. With more Fallout series leaks coming out by the day, all we need now is a replica of Victor the Robot to confirm we're getting a trip to the Mojave Desert. 

Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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