Microsoft Is Looking At Fallout New Vegas 2

Microsoft Is Looking At Fallout New Vegas 2
Images via Obsidian Entertainment

Written by 

Tom Chapman


25th Feb 2022 10:46

Microsoft is finally ready to chance its luck and roll the dice, as Fallout: New Vegas 2 could finally be on the way. With Microsoft's acquisition of ZeniMax Media, we're facing a new era of Fallout, but apparently, we could be getting a blast from the past. 

It's been a whopping 12 years since Obsidian Entertainment took us to the crackling neon of the Wasteland's very own version of an apocalyptic Las Vegas. Although it was a gamble at the time, this experiment cemented itself as one of the best Fallout games of all time. Now, the developer could be touting a return.

Is Microsoft Working On Fallout: New Vegas 2?

Fallout New Vegas 2
Click to enlarge

Speaking on the GrubbSnax podcast (paywalled) Jeff Grubb gave hope to the idea of New Vegas 2. Explaining what Microsoft could be working on, Grubb explained, "This is very early, but people have begun to have talks and say these words in sentences. And those words are 'Obsidian' and 'New Vegas 2'." 

If you're hoping that New Vegas will be landing as an Xbox exclusive next month, you're out of luck. Continuing about when we could return to the Mojave Desert, Grubb warned: "We're talking years and years away. But I will say there’s at least an interest and conversations being had about making something like that actually a reality."

Still, what're a few years between friends? Grub concluded that Microsoft doesn't want to let the Fallout IP fall into limbo. We know Bethesda is already working on The Elder Scrolls 6, but with that one already in the far distance, we dread to think when a mythical Fallout 5 could release. Using New Vegas 2 as a stopgap is a solution many fans of the series can sign up to.

Why Do Fans Love New Vegas So Much?

Fallout New Vegas 2 Gameplay
Click to enlarge

This isn't the first we've heard of New Vegas 2. Only last year, there were reports that New Vegas 2 could launch in the second half of the decade. Although we originally wrote this off as fanciful, it's looking more likely. In 2016, Obisidian was reportedly working on "Project Lousiana" which teased a New Orleans sequel, but nothing came to pass. 

When it comes to the popularity of New Vegas, it was the perfect storm of taking the already established Fallout name and taking it somewhere new. Characters like Mr. House, Caesar, and Yes Man are some of the best the series had to offer. You can get an unofficial sequel in the form of the massive New California mod, but if the rumours are to be believed, Obsidian could finally spin the roulette wheel once again. 


Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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