Fallout 4's Dogmeat Has Died In Real Life

Fallout 4's Dogmeat Has Died In Real Life
Bethesda | Twitter

Written by 

Tom Chapman


28th Jun 2021 09:47

When it comes to video games, there have been some great travelling companions along the way. From Mario's Yoshi to Zelda's Epona, The Witcher's Roach to the chubby-cheeked Pikachu from Pokemon, all of the above have proved it's not that lonely out there in the apocalypse. However, does anyone compare to Dogmeat?

While the long-running Fallout series usually focusses on some doomed Vault dweller trying to battle mutated monsters and unhinged humans that have survived the end of days, 2015's Fallout 4 gave us a furry friend for the journey. Sadly, the dog that inspired the game's Dogmeat has tragically died.

What happened to Fallout 4's Dogmeat?

Posting on Twitter, Capy Games Director Joel Burgess shared a heartfelt tribute to Dogmeat, aka River. Capy Games has previously assisted Bethesda on the Fallout games. In a charming twist of fate, Burgess explained how River became a staple of the Fallout 4 offices and how her behaviour was mapped to help bring Dogmeat to life.

Burgess said the team had started researching German Shepherds as their perfect Domeat, however, the dogs were stereotypically associated with aggression. Although Dogmeat's obvious role in the Wasteland is to protect the Sole Survivor, Burgess reiterated that he wasn't supposed to just represent aggression.

In the lengthy Twitter thread, Burgess added, "I remember the catalyst; an eager new member had joined the Dogmeat team. I visited their desk a day or so later. Research covered the walls; countless images of German Shepherds snarling, all teeth and attack postures. Within a day or two, River started visiting the studio".

With River being repeatedly "poked and prodded", she was apparently a patient dog who became "more than a mascot or an inspiration - she was part of the team". Toward the end, Burgess concluded, "River really loved making people happy... sometimes by bringing us large objects. Her intentions were pure, but her judgement wasn't always perfect", and shared a picture of her carrying a log.

What is Dogmeat's legacy in Fallout 4?

Even though there are other companions out there in Fallout 4, they all pale in comparison to Dogmeat. Are Codsworth, Preston Garvey, or Nick Valentine really a patch on Dogmeat dashing off to tear through a pack of glowing mutant hounds? We often cover the effort that comes into crafting a human character, but rarely do we think about the animals.

The fact that so much time and effort went into adapting the personality of a German Shepherd shows just how important the character was to the Fallout team. Elsewhere, it's easy to see parallels between Dogmeat and the likes of the upcoming appearance of Chorizo in Far Cry 6

Although Fallout 5 is yet to be made official by Bethesda, we guess it is out there somewhere. Given the legendary status of Dogmeat and impact he had on Fallout 4's lauded success, it's easy to imagine a Dogmeat-inspired companion trotting into the inevitable sequel. As for River, our hearts go out to Burgess at this tragic time.


Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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