Dead Space Remake Dev Says It's Too Scary To Play At Night

Dead Space Remake Dev Says It's Too Scary To Play At Night
Images via EA

Written by 

Tom Chapman


19th Jan 2023 14:55

Horror hounds are in luck in 2023, and away from Capcom's Resident Evil 4 remake, EA Motive is treating us to a remake of 2008's Dead Space

Isaac Clarke is back in action, and while it isn't our long-awaited hope for Dead Space 4, we're heading back to the USG Ishimura to see where it all began.

The original Dead Space broke the mold for survival horrors and set a precedent with its brutal dismemberment. We're expecting something even bloodier in 2023 but be warned, one dev claims it's too scary to play.

Is The Dead Space Remake Too Scary To Play?

Dead Space Remake
Click to enlarge

Speaking to PLAY Magazine, Technical Director David Robillard admitted, "When I'm playing it at night, I can't play it with headphones. It's just too f*****g scary."

Hyping the game's new-gen credentials, Robillard explained, "Just the amount of realism and, again, atmosphere. Not just visually, right?"

One of the PlayStation 5's big selling points is its ambient sound. Robillard added, "In the way we handle sound, ambiance, effects, having systems that will try to spook you.

"These things, you know, could have been done [on PS4], but not to the level we're doing them today. And they really add a lot to this sort of genre and make the whole kind of experience come together even more."

Although it's disappointing Dead Space won't be coming to last-gen consoles, at least PS5 and Xbox Series owners will be able to make the most of its new-gen credentials.

In an era that Resident Evil 4 fans are worried it will be held back by last-gen, Dead Space is making sure it's making the most of modern technology. 

When Does The Dead Space Remake Release?

For those who can't wait to play, we'll soon be dismembering Necromorphs. EA Motive's Dead Space remake comes clawing its way into our lives on January 27.

There's also a great Dead Space pre-order bonus, and if you want to continue the terror beyond the remake, Steam is bundling the original Dead Space 2 in with the remake.

If you STILL want more Dead Space, there was also a tantalising tease from the legendary John Carpenter that he thinks a live-action Dead Space movie is in the works - although it's the first we heard. 

There's something of a resurgence in remaking horror games right now, with Dead Space and RE4 joining the likes of System Shock and Silent Hill 2. Where are our Bloodborne and Dino Crisis remake, you cowards?

Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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We're Confused By The Dead Space Remake's Pre-Order Bonus