Call of Duty Players Are Planning To Boycott The 2023 Title

Call of Duty Players Are Planning To Boycott The 2023 Title
Sledgehammer Games

Written by 

Jack Marsh


10th Feb 2023 14:07

Welp, Call of Duty is making a 2023 game after all, and with Activision once again planning a completely new "premium" addition to the franchise.

New leaks suggest a Call of Duty 2023 title will have a fully functioning beta release, a new campaign with early access, and a similar post-launch live service seasonal support system to the last few instalments.

However, with only eight months until its usual release window, Call of Duty fans are planning a boycott.

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Activision themselves confirmed a new "premium" Call of Duty game is now under development, albeit with the announcement hidden deep within their quarterly financial reports, which is a complete U-Turn from what was proposed as a "year two DLC" for Modern Warfare 2.

However, this new title appears to be another instalment of the Modern Warfare series developed by Advanced Warfare and Vanguard lead team Sledgehammer Games. With Sledgehammer becoming the scapegoat for another rushed Call of Duty title, a boycott is inbound, and fans are turning to alternative titles.

Taking to a Reddit post, players have called on their fellow franchise fans to not buy the "premium" game, and make it one of the worst-selling CoDs of all time. 

Call of Duty Fans Plan To Stage 2023 Boycott

"I'm fairly certain I will NOT be buying anything this company foists upon us later this year. I'll take a break from CoD or just keep playing this one without whatever "Premium" (lol) content is added," said one fan on Reddit.

Another added, "They release a terrible, clearly unfinished product for $70 as a 'live service' game and slowly turn it into a $70 game throughout its life cycle if we’re lucky. It’s a really bad business practice and I agree, I hope people stop giving their money to half-assed incompetent devs like this."

Instead, the Call of Duty fans haven't quite proposed a switch to Fortnite, but rather heading back to the older games which haven't got live services or stores. Previously, players flocked back to Advanced Warfare, but could even begin to experiment with Black Ops 4 and Blackout again instead of CoD 2023 and Warzone 2.
Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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