Call of Duty Halloween Update: What's Coming In Haunting Of Verdansk?

Call of Duty Halloween Update: What's Coming In Haunting Of Verdansk?

Written by 

Tom Chapman


20th Oct 2020 11:45

It's sure to be a "scream" as Activision officially unveils its Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone Halloween updates. Players are getting ready for the fun and frights of "The Haunting of Verdansk". Not to be confused with Netflix's The Haunting of Bly Manor, "The Haunting of Verdansk" is a limited-time event that will give both Modern Warfare and Warzone a horror makeover just in time for October 31.

It just wouldn't be Halloween without video games rolling out a slew of slaughter content to keep us coming back for more. With Modern Warfare and Warzone being just as popular as ever - and in the run-up to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - Activision is keeping its murderous marketing machine ticking over. Season 6 already added a sinister subway system to Warzone, but that's nothing compared to what else developers have been hiding up their sleeves.

Players recently reported the ghostly laughing of a creepy girl echoing around the maps, which many have tipped to herald the return of Samantha Maxis to Call of Duty: Zombies. It seems she's just the first part of a horror overhaul. If you scare easily, it might be best to stay away from Call of Duty for the next few weeks. 


What is coming to The Haunting of Verdansk in Warzone?

As you can imagine, there's a plethora of horror content coming your way in Call of Duty. Grab your controllers and a cushion to hide behind because this is what's coming to "The Haunting of Verdansk". In Call of Duty: Warzone, there are new limited-time modes called including Zombie Royale and Warzone Night Mode.

When it comes to Night Mode, things are going dark in Verdansk. We recommend you opt for night-vision goggles in your loadout and make the most of the Cold-Blooded ability to outsmart an enemy's tech. Lurking out there in the shadows are the Saw-inspired ventriloquist dummy, the spectre of a chainsaw-wielding maniac on the Krovnik Farmland, and the abandoned subway tracks are apparently populated by a haunting ghost train packed with souls of the damned. Make sure you aren't joining them!

In Zombie Royale, the living are tasked with taking out the undead as they advance on the map. Don't worry though, even death isn't the end. Fallen operators will be resurrected as the dead and join their fellow brain-munchers in trying to eat former teammates. Instead of a trip to the Gulag, you'll find yourself back as a zombie, and although you can't use weapons, abilities like super speed and jumping should give an edge over the opposition. 

If you want to rejoin the battle as the living? Look out for syringes. When a player is killed, they'll drop a single syringe. If you collect two as a zombie, you can parachute back into the land of the living and restart the whole horror all over again. 

Call of Duty Haunting of Verdansk Zombies
Click to enlarge

What is coming to The Haunting of Verdansk in Modern Warfare?

With the classic Modern Warfare also refusing to miss out on all the murder, there are Onslaught and Snipers Only modes. In Onslaughter, your squad takes control of the monstrous Juggernaut. The suit will drop at a random point on the map, and it's up to your team to find the Juggernaut before the opposition. Suiting up as the Juggernaut will give your side a major boost, but all is not lost. Expect the bullets to fly as players attempt to down the Juggernaut.

Despite the Juggernaut having a Halloween pumpkin head for "The Haunting of Verdansk", exploding this spooky squash won't be that easy. Snipers Only isn't quite as up on the horror content, but still sounds like a lot of fun. Here, the Team Deathmatch variant gifts you only snipers. Operators are given the choice of five different loadouts and have the simple goal of getting the most kills in the point system mode. 

Call of Duty Haunting of Verdansk Modern Warfare
Click to enlarge

What cosmetics are there?

One of the biggest additions is an official partnership with movie franchises Saw and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and new cosmetics that will bring some of the best-loved horror icons to life. The Leatherface bundle includes a unique weapon blueprint for Leatherface's Family Heirloom FiNN LMG, which is (obviously) outfitted with a XRK ChainSAW to look a little more like his signature weapon. The Saw bundle gives Billy the Puppet "a special; throwing knife will drill into your enemies upon impact". It's called The Phlebotomozier, and NGL, we love it. 

The third bundle focuses on a new creation called Dr. Karlov. The Doc is described as an "infamous Verdansk urban legend that defines the regional Halloween folklore". He's shrouded in mystery but clearly had a part to play in the horror history of Verdansk. Finally, look out for Trick or Treat boxes. These are littered around the arena and offer you treats like blueprints, stickers, sprays, calling cards, charms, and more. In terms of tricks, you'll get a "brief scare". Don't say we didn't warn you!

When is The Haunting of Verdansk releasing? 

The good news is, "The Haunting of Verdansk is coming today (October 20), meaning you can jump straight into the occult action, unlike Fortnite fans being left in the dark about when Fortnitemares 2020 will drop. Going live across both Modern Warfare and Warzone, PC, PlayStation, and Xbox players are hopeful that "The Haunting of Verdansk" could be the biggest event Activision and Infinity Ward has ever unveiled.

If you want to join in the fun, the LTE is expected to go live at 6pm BST/10am PDT. The event will run for two weeks, and as the official CoD blog warns, "No operator is safe from the terrors of All Hallows' Eve". 

Now you know what Activision is planning, rest assured that there's plenty ready to go bump in the night when it comes to Call of Duty: Warzone. Don't have nightmares...


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Images via Activision

Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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