Where To Use Caretaker's Toolbox Key In MW2 DMZ

Where To Use Caretaker's Toolbox Key In MW2 DMZ

Written by 

Jack Marsh


2nd Feb 2023 14:51

Kicking off your DMZ run is quite crucial. If you want to get into those Strongholds before others have a chance to loot up, then tajking your keys and getting easy loot is the best way to go, and there's fewer easier cache's than the Caretaker's Toolbox key.

A glorified duffel bag brim with cash and goodies for your loadout, the Caretaker's Toolbox is a fantastic way to begin your loot chain and get the ball rolling. So, here's all you need to know about where to find the Caretaker's Toolbox Key in DMZ.

Where To Find The Caretaker's Toolbox Key In MW2 DMZ

The Caretaker's Toolbox Key is like every other key in the game, meaning that it spawns randomly and is often found by killing the AI.

Dropping as part of the death loot, these keys are generated at random, meaning there's no actual way to predict how to get they key apart from kill and loot as many bots as possible.

Once you do have the Caretaker's Toolbox key, you can either Exfil to keep it for you're next DMZ run, or follow the next steps to unlocking it...

Warzone's Al Mazrah map is split into a grid, and to find the Caretaker's Toolbox in DMZ, you will have to travel to section D7, where you will be within the Al Sammam Cemetry.

Click to enlarge

To find the exact location of the Caretaker's Toolbox, you will need to go to the most Northern central entrance. Here, you'll need to go five rows (of graves) in and three columns to the left, and the Caretaker's Toolbox will be awaiting its key.

Click to enlarge

The cemetery, like every POI in DMZ is littered with AI enemies though, and with the Caretaker's Toolbox being in the open, you'll either need to get in and out, maybe with a vehicle swiftly, or be prepared to take on a few bots.

Where to Find The Caretaker's House DMZ

Whilst you're in this area, you might also want to check out the Caretaker's House, if you have the key for this too, as they appear to be the groundsman for Al Sammam Cemetry.

If you have the key for both looting hauls, you will be able to complete both stashes within two minutes. While the toolbox is located on the Northern portion of the cemetery, the Caretaker's House is on the Western, just beyond the walls of the graveyard.

There will be six smaller buildings in this vicinity, but the Caretaker's House will be the one with bars on the windows. Again, AI heavy populate this area.

These easy-access loot cache's are perfect for getting your DMZ game off to a flying start, filled with cash and lucrative weapons.

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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