The Quarry Max: How To Save

The Quarry Max: How To Save
Images via Supermassive Games

Written by 

Dave McAdam


15th Jun 2022 12:23

You might be wondering how to save Max in The Quarry, despite his affliction. The Quarry tasks the player with guiding a group of unlucky teens through the most horrific night of their lives. Max, along with his girlfriend Laura, arrive early and are the first to face the nightmares of Hackett’s Quarry. Here is everything you need to know to save Max in The Quarry.

How To Save The Quarry Max: General Tips

The Quarry Max: general tips
Click to enlarge

If you have not yet played through the game, it is highly recommended you do so first, before attempting to follow this guide. So it should go without saying, heavy spoilers lie ahead. Also, it is important to note that there are many variables to this game, and short of a step-by-step guide to exactly how to play the game, we cannot guarantee things will turn out perfectly for you.

For the most part, so long as you make the decisions we suggest and pass most of the skill checks in the game, things should turn out okay. There are only so many ways the game can play out, and in the case of Max, you don’t need to worry too much about him. Still, here is what you need to do to make sure Max sees the morning.

How To Save The Quarry Max: Staying Out Of Danger

The Quarry Max: staying out of danger
Click to enlarge

Keeping Max alive is relatively easy, all things considered. Unless things have gone quite badly, Max should survive the night. The key thing you need to do is deal with Caleb Hackett properly, but we will get to that. First of all, Max obviously survives the events of the prologue. This is because his encounter with Chris Hackett in the basement turns Max into a werewolf. When he and Laura break out, they go to the island at the centre of Hackett’s Quarry. Max locks himself away in the treehouse to prevent anyone from getting hurt when he turns later on.

As such, for most of the game, Max is safely locked away. That is until Emma discovers him, and to learn what to do in that situation you should check out our how to save Emma in the Quarry guide. Play through the game as normal, ideally keeping everyone alive. Once Chris Hackett is killed, every werewolf created by him will become human again. This includes Max, who hopefully has been on the island causing no real harm.


How To Save The Quarry Max: Keeping Him Alive

The Quarry Max: keeping him alive
Click to enlarge

There is one point at which Max can die, and frankly, it comes across more like mopping up than a proper death. Essentially, if pretty much everyone else is dead, Max won’t survive. Specifically, if Dylan and Luara are killed then Max doesn’t have much chance.

If Dylan is killed by Caleb in werewolf form at the scrapyard, then Max will meet Caleb as he makes his way to shore, and that meeting does not end well for Max. Basically, Max needs protection, so he needs Laura. Unfortunately, it seems if she is not there either then Max is at the mercy of a particularly pissed-off werewolf.

So long as you are keeping everyone else alive, specifically Laura and Dylan, then Max should survive the night with little issue. He could do with some better fitting clothes though.

That is what you need to do to save Max in The Quarry. To keep more of the counsellors alive, check out our how to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry guide.

Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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