Sonic Frontiers A Grave Mystery: How To Solve The Tombstone Puzzle

Sonic Frontiers A Grave Mystery: How To Solve The Tombstone Puzzle
Images via SEGA

Written by 

Daniel Hollis


9th Nov 2022 14:35

Sonic Frontiers is filled with puzzles, some of which are more challenging than others. However, amongst everything the game throws at you, many are in agreement the puzzle known as A Grave Mystery is a controller-breaking experience. Despite all the other tasks the game throws at you, this seems to be the one causing the most headaches.

Relying more on your puzzle-solving skills rather than Sonic’s ability to speed his way through the environment, it’s a huge change of pace and one that may have you reaching for the power button on your platform of choice. However, we have the solution to A Grave Mystery in Sonic Frontiers to help you move forward.

How To Solve Sonic Frontiers A Grave Mystery

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The main component of A Grave Mystery is lining up various lights to create a specific path between them all, and unfortunately, you need to complete it to progress in Sonic Frontiers. Firstly, you’ll notice the ground has scorched earth, meaning this is your indication of where you need to aim the light, but it’s not quite as simple.

Only four of the tombstones can be moved and these are identified by their dark colouring. However, once you move one, the other three will move too, making this simple puzzle a lot trickier than it initially seems. If you’re pulling your hair out and want to quickly get past this hurdle, here is the solution to A Grave Mystery in Sonic Frontiers:

  • Go to the tombstone on the left, turn it to face the one above.
  • Go to the far right tombstone, turn it to face the one to the left.
  • Go to the tombstone at the top, turn it to face the one on the southwest.
  • Go to the tombstone at the bottom, turn it to face the one on the southwest again.
  • Go to the tombstone on the left, turn it to face the one above again.
  • Go to the tombstone on the right, turn it once to complete the puzzle.

With this done, you will be greeted with a cutscene and finally relax as you’re able to move forward again in Sonic Frontiers. Luckily, there are no reported puzzles to be as annoying as this in the game moving forward, but we’ll be sure to deliver a guide if anything is uncovered.

Daniel Hollis
About the author
Daniel Hollis
Daniel is a Guides Writer for GGRecon. Having originally focused on film journalism, he eventually made the jump to writing about games in 2020, writing for sites such as NME. Eurogamer, GamesRadar, Tech Radar, and more. After a short stint in PR, he is back in the world of games media writing about his favourite games, including Bioshock, Fable, or everything Fortnite and Xbox Game Pass related.
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