The Sims 4 Werewolves: Fated Mates

The Sims 4 Werewolves: Fated Mates
Images via Maxis

Written by 

Kiera Mills


27th Jun 2022 10:00

Fated Mates in The Sims 4 Werewolves is the new romance mechanic in which you can find your wolf soulmate. This is The Sims 4's take on wolf-mates, as such you can only have one per sim, per save file. That's unless you elicit the help from cheats, of course. Read on for everything you need to know about Fated Mates in The Sims 4 Werewolves.

The Sims 4 Werewolves: Fated Mates Explained

Discovering a Fated Mate in The Sims 4 Werewolves
Click to enlarge

Fated Mates are essentially soulmates amongst werewolf sims. You'll get an in-game pop-up when you find your Fated Mate, whether you choose to explore the connection or not is up to you. It is possible to ignore a Fated Mate and romance someone else, your sim may receive negative moodlets and an uncomfortable feeling for doing this, however.

You can activate the Fated Mates status with a sim of your choice by flirting with them first. They must also be a werewolf for this to work. Once they are confirmed to be your mate, they'll get a special icon attributed to them in the sentiment's menu.

Choose wisely as your sim can only have one Fated Mate per save file. Your sims may activate this on their own if free to roam by themselves. If this has happened, or you wish to change your Fated Mate, you will have to do so through cheats.

The Sims 4 Fated Mates Cheat: How To Change Your Fated Mate

Denying a Fated Mate in The Sims 4 Werewolves
Click to enlarge

To remove your Fated Mate enter the following cheat command, after activating the cheat menu (CTRL + Shift + C):

modifyrelationship [Sim 1] [Sim 2] -100 sentimentTrack_Enamored_ST_FatedMates

Make sure you replace [Sim 1] and [Sim 2] with the full names of the sims involved.

To become Fated Mates with a sim of your choice, enter the following cheat:

modifyrelationship [Sim 1] [Sim 2] 100 sentimentTrack_Enamored_ST_FatedMates

For the 'Fate Defied' sentiment, to deny your Fated Mate, add:

modifyrelationship [Sim 1] [Sim 2] 100 sentimentTrack_Guilty_LT_FateDefied


The Sims 4 Werewolves: Fated Mate Mods

Fated Mate sentiment menu in The Sims 4 Werewolves
Click to enlarge

There are options in the modder community for any sims players who want a more realistic approach to Fated Mates. As it stands, the Fated Mates interaction will activate on a successful flirt with another werewolf nearly all the time. The 'Fated Mate its Fate' mod by Zafire, makes it so that any interaction with a sim, whether that be angry or friendly, can activate Fated Mates. This is to make the encounter more random as it would be in werewolf lore. Mods like this also lower the chance for the interaction, making it a rarer occurrence in the game. Currently, a romantic interaction has a 50% chance of triggering the event with the first sim you interact with.

As always, use mods at your discretion as they may impact gameplay and save files. It's also worth noting that achievements and trophies are no longer attainable once mods are added to your game.

  • Check out our Sims 4 Werewolves Greg guide, to learn more about the reclusive lone wolf and his tragic backstory.
Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a guides writer, having recently graduated from university. She spends way too much time dreaming about the next God of War game.
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