Saints Row Drug Pallet Pickups: How To Complete Drug Pallet Discoveries

Saints Row Drug Pallet Pickups: How To Complete Drug Pallet Discoveries
Images via Volition

Written by 

Dave McAdam


22nd Aug 2022 15:28

Saints Row Drup Pallet Pickups are one of the discovery side activities in the game. Saints Row has a huge open world full of things to see and do. For some reason, someone has left pallets full of illegal and very expensive drugs all over Santo Ileso. Here is everything you need to know to complete Saints Row Drug Pallet Pickup discoveries.

Saints Row Drug Pallet Pickups: How To Find

The location of a Drug Pallet Pickup on the map
Click to enlarge

Drug Pallet Pickups are one type of Discovery activity all over Saints Row. To find them, open your phone and go to the map. At the top of the screen, you will see some headings. Scroll across to Discoveries, as they do not show up even when All is selected. You will see yellow icons all over the map.

These yellow icons are all the various types of Discovery activities that you can take part in. For Drug Pallet Pickups, what we want are the ones with pictures of pills in the icon. They are fairly distinctive and quite frankly, everywhere, so once you have the icons on your map you shouldn't have much difficulty finding the Drug Pallet Pickups.

Saints Row Drug Pallet Pickups: How To Complete

Finding a pallet of drugs on top of a shipping container
Click to enlarge

You might think that the process of locating, claiming, storing, and then selling a shipment of illegal drugs would be a complicated and dangerous business. Saints Row thinks otherwise. When you have a Drug Pallet Pickup picked and marked on your map, go to the location. You will find a pallet with bags of drugs on it, as you would expect.


Then, you need only approach the pallet of drugs and press X, or Square, or the E key. Interact with the pallet and it will disappear, leaving only money in your pocket. Now, you may notice that when you pick up a Drug Pallet Pickup, more might appear nearby. It seems one pallet of drugs at a time is simply not enough, as they often come with several more. Grab the others in a similar fashion to complete the activity.

That is everything you need to know about Saints Row Drug Pallet Pickups. To learn much more about the game, check out our Saints Row Review.

Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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