Saints Row Hidden History: How To Complete Hidden History Discoveries

Saints Row Hidden History: How To Complete Hidden History Discoveries
Images via Volition

Written by 

Dave McAdam


22nd Aug 2022 15:00

Saints Row Hidden History is one of the discovery side activities in the game. Saints Row has a huge open world full of things to see and do. Hidden History missions are discoveries that teach you more about the world of the game, and the city of Santo Ileso. Here is everything you need to know to complete Saints Row Hidden History discoveries.

Saints Row Hidden History: How To Find

A map showing the location of a Hidden History discovery mission
Click to enlarge

Hidden History missions can be found all over the city of Santo Ileso. If you wish to seek them out, first open your map. At the top of the screen, you will see the several kinds of locations you can view. Scroll across to Discoveries to bring up all of the discovery icons. These icons are the yellow ones, they are not automatically shown on the map.

There are only a handful of different icons under Discoveries, but they are everywhere. For Hidden History, you want to look for the icons with the picture of a treasure chest on them. They are mostly situated in places with historic significance, so focus on places in the city itself. Particularly the eastern side, as that is the older part of the city.

Saints Row Hidden History: How To Complete Them

Finding a tourist information board at a Hidden History mission
Click to enlarge

When you enter the area of a Hidden History discovery, you will notice a yellow circle on your minimap. This is the area in which the Hidden History is completed. In the top corner of the screen you should see the name of this Hidden History location with something like 0/5 beside it.


Within the circle, there are several points at which you can read or hear about the history of the location. If you see 0/5 when you get there, that means there are five points of interest you must reach. Walk around the circle area, and look for anything that looks like it is there to give information to tourists. Boards, plaques, those things where you press a button and a voiceover tells you the history of this castle/fort/whatever it may be.

Continue to search the area until you find all the required information points and activate them all. Paying attention is optional, but once all are activated you will complete the Hidden History discovery.

That is everything you need to know about Saints Row Hidden History. To learn much more about the game, check out our Saints Row Review.

Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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