How To Verify Age in Roblox (2023)

How To Verify Age in Roblox (2023)
Images via Roblox Corporation

Written by 

Harry Boulton


22nd Feb 2023 14:10

While you can still play the game without it, you might want to find out how to verify age in Roblox to access all of the features on offer.

There are specific social functions and certain games in Roblox that you will need to be a certain age to use, so if you are old enough it is well worth doing. Carry on reading below though to find out how to verify age in Roblox, as we have a step-by-step guide to help you out.

How To Verify Age in Roblox

How To Verify Age in Roblox
Click to enlarge

Here's what you'll need to do in order to verify your age in Roblox:

  • Head to the Roblox website and login to your account.
  • Head to the Settings menu by pressing the gear-shaped icon in the top right.
  • Press the Account Info tab.
  • Scroll down to the Personal section and press the 'Verify My Age' button underneath your birthday.
  • Use your phone to scan the QR code in the pop-up that appears.
  • Press the 'Start Session' button on the page that you're directed to on your phone, and make sure to allow camera access to the site.
  • Scan your chosen piece of identification.
  • Take a picture of yourself using the front-facing camera - this is to check that you are the same person as on your chosen ID.
  • Head back to the Roblox page on your original device to see the status update. It can take a few minutes while as things have to be manually verified, but you will see the result when things have been passed through.

What Forms of ID Are Accepted?

As mentioned, you will need to have a valid form of identification in order to verify your age in Roblox. Here are the forms that will be accepted:

  • Driver's License
  • Passport
  • ID Card
  • Residence Permit

Any of the four found above will do, and if your birthday on your Roblox account is different to that on your ID, it will be changed to the latter date.

Additionally, you must be at least 13 years old in order to pass the age verification process in Roblox, so it is pointless attempting it if you are any younger than this.

What Content is Locked Behind Age Verification in Roblox?

What Content is Locked Behind Age Verification in Roblox?
Click to enlarge

According to the official Roblox website, the content that is locked behind age verification is innovative social capabilities and age-appropriate content. For the social capabilities, it will largely be most forms of social interaction to ensure the safety of all Roblox users.

Additionally, age-appropriate content will be decided on a case-by-case basis, so there might be some Roblox games that you won't be able to play or view until you have passed the verification process.

So, that should give you all of the info you need if you were wondering how to verify age in Roblox. Check out this guide here if you need to find out how to trade in Roblox.

Harry Boulton
About the author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites like The Loadout, PCGamesN, and Red Bull Gaming. You can most likely find him blathering about Counter Strike or praying that Bloodborne somehow makes it onto PC.
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