How To Trade In Roblox (2023)

How To Trade In Roblox (2023)
Images via Roblox Corporation

Written by 

Harry Boulton


22nd Feb 2023 11:24

You will want to find out how to trade in Roblox if a friend has got an item that you desperately want. With the sheer amount of items in Roblox there's always going to be an item that slips through your fingers, and trading is a great way to get around that problem.

So, check out the rest of this guide below to find out how to trade in Roblox.

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How To Trade in Roblox

How To Trade in Roblox
Click to enlarge

If you're wanting to find out how to trade in Roblox, make sure to follow our step-by-step guide below for all of the details:

  • Head to the profile of the player that you're wanting to trade with.
  • Click the three dots in the top right corner of the section with their username and friends.
  • Select the 'Trade Items' option in the drop-down menu that appears.
  • A new menu will open up showing you all of the available items both you and the player have that are tradeable.
  • Select an item that you want to trade, and then an item from the other player's inventory that you want to trade for. You can also include some Robux, but there is a 30% transaction fee if this is included.
  • Make sure that you have selected the correct items as trades cannot be undone once completed.
  • Press the 'Make Offer' button to initiate the trade.
  • You will be notified once the other player has accepted the trade offer.

Additionally, here is what you can do if you are on the receiving end of a trade:

  • Head to the 'Trade' page via the left hand menu, and head to the 'Inbound' section.
  • Select the trade that you wish to review.
  • There are three options that you will be able to choose from: Accept, Decline, or Counter.
  • Press Accept or Decline if you want to follow through or end the trade, or press the Counter button to propose new or differing items.
  • If Counter is selected, follow through the same process as if you were proposing a trade yourself, and press Make Offer to send the new trade.

So, that's how to trade in Roblox, which should hopefully allow you to pick up some of your favourite items in an alternative manner. Make sure to check out these Fruit Battlegrounds codes if you want to boost your character in that game however.

Harry Boulton
About the author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites like The Loadout, PCGamesN, and Red Bull Gaming. You can most likely find him blathering about Counter Strike or praying that Bloodborne somehow makes it onto PC.
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