Pokemon Scarlet And Violet Charizard Raid Start Time

Pokemon Scarlet And Violet Charizard Raid Start Time
Images via Nintendo

Written by 

Dave McAdam


1st Dec 2022 13:59

Exactly when does the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Charizard raid start? Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are about to have a special Tera Raid event, where players can take on a powerful seven-star raid. Charizard is not otherwise available in the games, so defeating it in the raid is the only way to get one. Here is everything you need to know to jump on at the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Charizard raid start time.

Pokemon Scarlet And Violet Charizard Raid Start Time

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The Charizard Tera Raid will be available from Thursday, December 1st until Sunday, December 4th. Exactly what time it starts and ends depends on where you are in the world. The Tera Raid will become available simultaneously around the world, meaning it will be available at a different time depending on your region.

The exact time the Charizard Tera Raid will launch is 4 PM Pacific Time, 7 PM Eastern Time, and Midnight (12 AM on Friday) GMT. The Raid will end at the same times per region on Sunday.

Don't worry if you are busy this weekend, The raid will come back around in two weeks. It will run from Thursday, December 14th to Sunday, December 18th. The start and end times are expected to be the same.

Pokemon Scarlet And Violet Charizard Raid: How To Join

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There are a couple of ways to join a Tera Raid Battle, and this is true for the Charizard raid. Crystals appear all over Paldea, and serve as your entry point into Tera Raid Battles. For high-level Tera Raids, the crystals appear black with crackling energy. Search for them during the weekend and you will likely come up against the special Charizard raid.

You can also join Tera Raid Battles through the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Poke Portal. Select Tera Raid Battle, and make sure you are connected to the internet. This will bring up a number of currently available Tera Raid Battles that other players have begun, and are actively searching for teammates.

Either way, you will want to go at this with other players. Tera Raid Battles can be done offline, but the game will fill out your team with NPC trainers. This seven-star Charizard raid is the toughest challenge in the game so far, you will want to tackle this with friends or with other online players.

That is it for the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Charizard raid start time. For more on the game, check out our guide to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet sandwich recipes.

Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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