How To Change Nickname In Pokemon Scarlet And Violet

How To Change Nickname In Pokemon Scarlet And Violet
Images via Game Freak

Written by 

Ben Williams


24th Nov 2022 11:50

In past games, it was always an annoyance when you couldn't decide on the nickname for a new Pokemon as you get the opportunity after catching it. Worse yet, there has also been the nuisance of deciding on an even better option, but you have no idea how to implement the "change nickname in Scarlet and Violet" method. Here is everything you need to know on how to rename a Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet

How To Change Nickname In Pokemon Scarlet And Violet

change nickname scarlet and violet rename pokemon
Click to enlarge

In Scarlet and Violet, the changing nickname of a Pokemon is thankfully very straightforward. Rather than needing to go to a specific NPC in a particular location, the "change nickname in Scarlet and Violet" method can be simply completed in the main menu. 

All you need to do is press the X button to bring up the main menu, then select the "Check summary" option of the desired Pokemon you wish to rename. Then, as can be found at the bottom of the menu, select the X button once again to choose the "Change Nickname" option. Enter your desired nickname, press "OK", and you have successfully renamed a Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet

That is everything you need to know about the "change nickname in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet" method. Whilst you're still figuring out the game, here is how to upgrade Miraidon and Kiraidon, and how auto-battling works. Speaking of past games, be sure to also check whether the game has Dynamaxing.  

For even more Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guides, you can be sure to find them right here at GGRecon. 

Ben Williams
About the author
Ben Williams
Ben is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. After getting his start writing film and game reviews for Alt:Mag, he went on to write for other sites including KeenGamer, Overclockers, GameByte, and FragHero. All about action-adventure games, RPGs, and anime, Ben is often found thinking about either Pokémon or the next Mass Effect game.
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