Pokemon Scarlet And Violet: Nasty Plot Location

Pokemon Scarlet And Violet: Nasty Plot Location
Images via Game Freak

Written by 

Ben Williams


4th Jan 2023 12:22

Introduced in the fourth Pokemon generation, Nasty Plot has been a well-renowned move used for both competitive and casual builds. Boosting a Pokemon's Special Attack by two stages with no caveats, Nasty Plot's usefulness cannot be understated for PvP battles and high-level Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. However, not all know how to obtain the TM containing the move. Let's get into the Nasty Plot Pokemon Scarlet and Violet location. 

Pokemon Scarlet And Violet: Nasty Plot Location

If you've never obtained the move in the game before, the Nasty Plot Scarlet and Violet TM can be found in two locations: Area Zero and Professor Raifort at the academy. The Nasty Plot TM can also be crafted at the TM Machine after you've obtained it via one of the first two methods.

Area Zero Location

nasty plot scarlet violet location tm pokemon area zero
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Going to Area Zero is the easiest way to obtain the Nasty Plot TM in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Keep in mind though, that you'll have needed to have beaten the game's three main story paths to unlock the area.

Once you fly to Area Zero, teleport the Research Station No. 2. Next, go outside the building and immediately turn around to have your Miraidon/Kiraidon climb the cliff behind it. After you have done so, look to the left, and you'll spot another small cliff to jump on - with a small yellow glow visible if you're close enough. 

Go on top of the small second cliff. You'll find the Nasty Plot Scarlet Violet TM right in front of a big rock. 

Professor Raifort At The Academy

nasty plot scarlet violet location pokemon tm professor raifort
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Getting the Nasty Plot TM from Professor Raifort at Naranja/Uva Academy requires a few extra steps. However, if you have already used the Area Zero TM and want to get it a second time without crafting, this is still a decent alternative. 

Firstly, you'll need to pass the final exam in her history class, which can easily do with our class answers guide.

Secondly, you'll need to find all four sets of Ominous Stakes in the region; Purple Ominous Stakes, Yellow Ominous Stakes, Blue Ominous Stakes, and Green Ominous Stakes; and catch each legendary Treasures of Ruin Pokemon that comes with them - Chi-Yu, Chien-Pao, Ting-Lu, and Wo-Chien.

After you have caught all four of these Pokemon and have passed the final history exam, show them to Professor Raifort. Then, you will be given the Nasty Plot TM as a reward. 

Crafting At The TM Machine

nasty plot scarlet violet location pokemon tm machine crafting
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After you get the Nasty Plot Scarlet Violet TM either at Area Zero or from Professor Raifort, you can craft it at the TM Machine at any Pokemon Centre throughout the Paldea region. You'll need 5,000 LP, 3 x Meowth Fur, 3 x Spiritomb Fragment, and 3 x Tatsugiri Scales to do so. 

You might need to go Pokemon hunting if you don't have all of the required crafting components. Nevertheless, if you previously found the Area Zero Nasty Plot TM and need another, this is far quicker than the Ominous Stakes and final exam prerequisites needed with Professor Raifort. 

That's a wrap on all you need to know about the location for the Nasty Plot Scarlet Violet TM. For even more Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guides, you can be sure to find them right here at GGRecon. 

Ben Williams
About the author
Ben Williams
Ben is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. After getting his start writing film and game reviews for Alt:Mag, he went on to write for other sites including KeenGamer, Overclockers, GameByte, and FragHero. All about action-adventure games, RPGs, and anime, Ben is often found thinking about either Pokémon or the next Mass Effect game.
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