Pokemon Legends Arceus Cleffa: Where To Catch Cleffa

Pokemon Legends Arceus Cleffa: Where To Catch Cleffa

Written by 

Dave McAdam


8th Feb 2022 14:05

In Pokemon Legends Arceus, Cleffa is a rare sight. Pokemon Legends Arceus brings new mechanics and new methods for finding and catching Pokemon and Cleffa is tricky to find but we have the info you need. Here's all you need to know about Pokemon Legends Arceus Cleffa and where to find it to complete the Pokedex.

Pokemon Legends Arceus Cleffa: Where To Catch

Pokemon Legends Arceus Cleffa: A map showing where Cleffa can be caught
Click to enlarge

In order to find a Cleffa, you need to head to the Coronet Highlands. For the easiest trip, head to the Summit Camp. While you're there, head to the tent and rest until nightfall. Then, head south to the area called Fabled Spring.

This area has a river running through the middle of it. On either bank of the river, Pokemon wander about. Mostly, you will find many Clefairy, some Budew and an Alpha Clefable. Cleffa can appear on either side of the river, so look around for one. If you don't find one, return to camp then head back to Jubilife. Return then to the Coronet Highlands and the Pokemon will be reset. Check the Fabled Spring for Cleffa, and repeat this process until you find one.


Pokemon Legends Arceus Cleffa: How To Catch

Pokemon Legends Arceus Cleffa: Catching Cleffa
Click to enlarge

It can be difficult to approach a Cleffa stealthily as there is no subtle way into the Fabled Spring. Your best bet is to land in the water and search for Cleffa from Basculegion. That way you can get on land and approach cautiously from a distance.

Use the flowers as cover if you can, or smoke bombs if you cannot. Use a Great Ball or better in order to catch Cleffa, and you should be successful.

That is everything you need to know to get yourself a Cleffa. For more on the game, such as what you need to know to evolve Cleffa into Clefairy, check out How to Check Friendship in Pokemon Legends Arceus.


Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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