MW2 DMZ Sawah Hotel Room 302 Key Location

MW2 DMZ Sawah Hotel Room 302 Key Location
Images via Infinity Ward

Written by 

Daniel Hollis


2nd Feb 2023 14:55

DMZ is a strange beast in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It offers a unique experience, one that fans have been craving for a while, but seems to be going relatively unnoticed. However, for those it has struck a chord with, it’s proving to be very popular, albeit, confusing in the same breath.

Unlike other traditional modes and Warzone 2, DMZ is much more tactical and requires more careful planning, rather than all-guns-blazing. As such, some objectives can be a pain to complete. One notable quest that is stumping players is how to unlock Hotel Sawah Room 302 in DMZ. If this is becoming a hindrance, don’t worry, we have everything you need to know.

How To Unlock Hotel Sawah Room 302 In MW2 DMZ

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As you progress through DMZ, you’ll unlock more and more faction missions, and within the Tier 3 set, you’ll run into one known as Good Fortune. This quest tasks you to “Unlock Room 302 on the top floor of the Sawah Hotel”, which is easier said than done. DMZ can be a bit of a tricky beast, and navigating to the right area can be a pain.

You can find the Sawah Hotel in Sawah Village, and to get to Room 302 in DMZ, your best bet is to climb up onto the roof and enter through the entryway. The reason is that you can’t actually unlock Room 302. Instead, you’ll want to get to it via the roof as the room resides on the top floor. You can use the elevator on the ground floor, but it’s surrounded by enemies.

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As with every other stronghold in DMZ, the room is well-defended, so make sure you’re not alone and have your teammates with you to tackle the waves of enemies the game throws at you. Once you’ve disposed of them, you can enter the room and complete the mission “Loot and extract the golden .50 GS”.

You will find this easily in the room, but be sure to grab anything else while you’re in here. With it in hand, your next job is to extract. Go to the nearest extraction point with your team, ensuring the golden .50 GS is in your possession, and leave the DMZ match to complete the quest.

Daniel Hollis
About the author
Daniel Hollis
Daniel is a Guides Writer for GGRecon. Having originally focused on film journalism, he eventually made the jump to writing about games in 2020, writing for sites such as NME. Eurogamer, GamesRadar, Tech Radar, and more. After a short stint in PR, he is back in the world of games media writing about his favourite games, including Bioshock, Fable, or everything Fortnite and Xbox Game Pass related.
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