How To Acquire Durable Gas Mask in MW2 DMZ

How To Acquire Durable Gas Mask in MW2 DMZ
Images via Activision

Written by 

Amelia-Eve Warden


6th Dec 2022 15:57

Are you looking for an elusive Durable Gas Mask in MW2 DMZ? For those that are new to the MW2 DMZ mode, it was first released on 16th November, the same day as Warzone 2, and is a free-for-all extraction royale mode.

DMZ mode drops players into the Al Mazrah map, with a limited time window to find supplies and loot, complete faction missions, and also go head-to-head with AI bosses before extracting. All with only one life.

Bringing elements from games such as the Zombie mode in Black Ops, the experience-led mode was crafted for players that like survival elements but equally want in-game tasks that are more than just killstreak-led.

Like many items in this mode, the DMZ mode has many fun and interesting missions that players can compete in order to get their hands on new loot and rewards. With most of the challenges being pretty easy to complete, there are a few that are causing frustration among the gaming community – finding a durable gas mask is one!

Surprisingly, this is one of the harder challenges with many giving up and exfilling out of the map before they’ve completed the task. This guide will show you where you need to look to complete this challenge in Warzone 2’s DMZ mode.

Where To Find A Durable Gas Mask In MW2 DMZ?

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The biggest issue with DMZ mode challenges is that there isn’t a fixed spawn point, making finding specific loot a lot harder.

Luckily, the same as standard Warzone 2 mode, masks can be found in areas very similar. Searching through orange loot cache crates and duffel bags are the easiest ways to find a gas mask, and although the gas masks are randomised when spawned, searching through high amounts of these specific areas can help.

If you feel searching through many loot caches and bags to be time-consuming you can obtain the mask through the extraction game mode, which will cost you a hefty $2000, which is only recommended if you want to complete your task before you exfil, but again, an expensive avenue to go down.

If this option is the preferred route for you, just like in Warzone, obtain as much cash as you can via looting, and once you have secured $2000, go to a Buy Station and purchase it.

Although yes, this is a pricy way to obtain a mask, it can also save you and win you the game. If you are trying to extract and make your way to the helicopter point, you may be hit with radiation which you can only survive with a gas mask. If you don’t have a mask, you may die and lose not only all your loot but the game.

For more MW2 DMZ tricks, stay GGRecon.

Amelia-Eve Warden
About the author
Amelia-Eve Warden
Amelia-Eve is a Gaming Contributor at GGRecon. She has previously written for Huffington Post and many tech trades. When not spending her time trying to be a semi-pro Esporter, she can be seen with a glass of Chianti in her hand, or doing 20 mile cycles on weekends.
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