Marvel's Midnight Suns: Release Date, Trailers, Gameplay, And More

Marvel's Midnight Suns: Release Date, Trailers, Gameplay, And More
Images via Firaxis

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


10th Aug 2022 10:05

The Marvel heroes we all know and love have been forcing themselves into gaming more and more over the recent years, as Disney has made a push to give a variety of different studios license to use their heroes across different genres. This led to Firaxis of X-Com and Civilization fame to start working on their own title with the supes - Marvel's Midnight Suns. It's a tactical RPG that sees you create your own hero and team up with some familiar faces to take on Lilith, Mother of Demons, in battles across the world. So for a breakdown of all we know about Marvel's Midnight Suns, including the release date, trailers, and gameplay, read on. 

Marvel's Midnight Suns Release Date

Marvel's Midnight Suns has now faced two delays, placing the game sometime in 2023, with no exact date or release window to speak of. Previously, the game was set to release in March 2022, before being pushed back to October 7, 2022, which seemed like a sure thing until it was delayed again in early August. We don't know the exact reasons for the delay, aside from a statement they released (see above) which talks about the developers needing time to make sure it's the best possible experience. 

Marvel's Midnight Suns Trailers

Our first look at the game was a CGI reveal trailer that debuted during Gamescom 2021. It begins with some of the more supernatural heroes in Marvel's catalogue, such as Doctor Strange and Nico Minoru, performing some sort of ritual around a large coffin. Before long, it cuts into a flight sequence in the middle of NYC, as tonnes of heroes fight off demons and then reveals the big bad of the game, Lilith, Mother of Demons. Finally, it ends with a scene of the default main characters (you can customise them) and a bunch of heroes walking toward the camera before cutting to the title. 

The trailer does a good job of setting up the main conflict of the game and showcasing the heroes that players will be able to play as and interact with. With the announcement, there was also some gameplay shown, but the second trailer didn't come until Summer Game Fest 2022. This one was subtitled "Darkness Falls," and showcased Venom becoming corrupted by Lilith and changing into a more demonic form. We then got the reveal that Spider-Man would be in the game, before it cut to panning shots of the demons about to face off with the heroes. 

Marvel's Midnight Suns Gameplay

From what we have seen of the gameplay and based on what Firaxis has said, the game will be a tactical RPG very reminiscent of X-Com in a few clear ways, but with enough difference to set itself apart. The combat is turn-based and makes use of a deck-building mechanic, where at the start of every mission you're given a set of random ability cards that dictate what moves you can perform. There looks to be a big emphasis on teamwork with the other heroes you bring into a battle, and the cards you use can range in their effects. Some are just standard attacks you can use on other enemies, some pertain to the environment, and others can be used on other heroes, such as healing or buffs. 


Aside from the number of famous heroes players will already be familiar with, you are able to create your own character, who is called the Hunter. In the story, you are a legendary demon hunter that has defeated Lilith once before, and you can kit them out with over 40 different abilities to make up their superpowers. 

Between missions, players will go back to the Abbey, which acts as a hub for the heroes. You're given a third-person perspective here and are allowed to move around freely to talk with other heroes and interact with parts of the environment. There is supposedly a big emphasis on role-playing during these sections, as interacting with heroes can influence their abilities and role in gameplay. 

Marvel's Midnight Suns Characters

Marvel's Midnight Suns Characters
Click to enlarge

The roster of playable characters is set to include: 

  • Iron Man
  • Captain America
  • Wolverine
  • Spider-Man
  • Venom
  • Hulk
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Doctor Strange
  • Captain Marvel
  • Blade
  • Ghost Rider
  • Magik
  • Nico Minoru

We're unsure how playing certain heroes will work, as the latest trailer shows Hulk and Scarlet Witch on the side of Lilith, with Venom and someone else. Presumably, you can bring them over to your side in the campaign, or there will be choices about who becomes corrupted during the story, but we won't know until closer to release.  

Marvel's Midnight Suns Platforms 

The game is set to release on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. It will also come to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch after the initial launch, though we don't have an exact idea for when this will be. 

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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