Lost Ark Requiem Of Twilight Location

Lost Ark Requiem Of Twilight Location
Images via Smilegate

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


14th Sep 2022 12:19

The Lost Ark Requiem of Twilight is one of the game's most coveted songs, and anyone looking to finish their collection of sheet music will need to collect it. Lost Ark music can have a multitude of uses, ranging from allowing you to complete certain quests and increase your Rapport with specific NPCs. It can be hard to track down all of the sheet music, but it's worth the trip across Arkesia, so check out how to get the Lost Ark Requiem of Twilight. 

  • If you are looking to conquer some of the world bosses, check out how to find and defeat Lost Ark Thunderwings

What Is The Lost Ark Requiem Of Twilight?

What Is The Lost Ark Requiem Of Twilight?
Click to enlarge

The Lost Ark Requiem of Twilight is a piece of sheet music that, once acquired, allows you to play a specific song on one of your equipped instruments. It's one of the most sought-after pieces of music in the game due to how effective it is as building Lost Ark Rapport with a multitude of characters, making it a valuable way to earn even more items from characters to increase your item level and wealth. 

To use the song once you have it, press the F2 key on your keyboard to open the music menu. Scroll down and find Requiem of Twilight, and then press Play. You will then start belting out a tune with your instrument for nearby players and NPCs.


Lost Ark Requiem Of Twilight Location

Lost Ark Requiem Of Twilight Location
Click to enlarge

To get the Requiem of Twilight sheet music, firstly you will need to reach level 50 so you can start the end-game portion of Lost Ark. You will need to head off to Lost Ark Tranquil Isle which is located in the north-west of the world map far east of Feiton. 

Once you have arrived at the island, track down an NPC called Father Diruth to start the Island of Eternal Rest quest, and progress through it by placing the lilies on the different gravestones. After handing in the quest, you will be gifted the Requiem of Twilight sheet music, and you can begin playing music to your heart's content. 

That's all for our breakdown of how to get the Lost Ark Requiem of Twilight sheet music, and now you know what purpose it serves, along with where to travel and find it. 

If you are also looking to get some of the collectable Island Tokens, check out our breakdown of Lost Ark Hope Island, which includes where to find it.

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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