Lost Ark Lush Reed Island: Location, Token, And Mokoko Seeds

Lost Ark Lush Reed Island: Location, Token, And Mokoko Seeds
Images via Smilegate

Written by 

Paulo Kawanishi


9th Sep 2022 09:41

The Lost Ark Lush Reed Island is one of the earliest of the end-game islands that you can visit to grab collectibles like Mokoko Seeds and Island Tokens. Lost Ark's end-game loop will see you sailing to all of the islands in the game to complete quests and gain collectibles, increasing your power. So check out how to get the Lost Ark Lush Reed Island Token and begin your collecting journey across Arkesia. 

  • Make sure you are ticking off all the Lost Ark World Bosses for their unique rewards and the experience. 

Lost Ark Lush Reed Island Location

Lost Ark Lush Reed Island is northeast of Pleccia
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After reaching character level 50 and item level 250, you can go to Lush Reed Island. It is located northeast of Pleccia where you must use Lost Ark ships to reach. Once you get closer, the crossed-blades symbol is easier to identify. However, knowing its location is not enough to dock on the island.

The adventure islands follow the schedule of Procyon’s Compass and are only open for a brief period during the week. You should always check the list of islands that you can go to by pressing the small compass below the minimap. There is also the option of setting an alarm for the events, so you head to the location before the Lush Reed island appears.


Lost Ark Lush Reed Island Token, PvP Quest, And Mokoko Seeds Locations

Lost Ark Lush Reed Island has the PvP mode and Mokoko Seeds
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On every island in Lost Ark, you can get specific tokens. What must be done to earn an island’s token is different in each case, like in Lost Ark Phantom Wing Island where you need to complete some quests. On the other hand, Lost Ark Lush Reed Island offers two methods for players to get its token.

After the first player enters the island, the PvP competition will start. It is a free-for-all match and each kill is worth 10 points while an assist is 5 points. The match ends when 1000 points are attained. The top three players with the most kills in their bag will earn 20,000, 15,000, and 10,000 silver from first to the third position. Even if your numbers are not that high, you don’t need to worry. All players that have at least 30 points will earn 2000 silver.

At the same time, you might have the highest kill count, but it is not certain that the token will drop. To increase your chance to get the collectible is to open the chests. However, not only all players are notified that you are trying to do so, but channelling to open them takes some time, leaving you vulnerable. You should also use the vegetation to hide from other players and surprise them.

Lost Ark Lush Reed Island has a total of five Mokoko Seeds
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Lost Ark Lush Reed Island is not only about the PvP and the token. It has five of the famous Mokoko Seeds on the island. Three of them are spread on the left side of the map, near the edges. The other two are at the far east behind a gate. To open it, you must use the song Forest’s Minuet that you can get in the Lost Ark Lullaby Island.

Now you know everything you need to get to Lost Ark Lush Reed Island and why you should visit it!

If you're awaiting the next major continent to join the game, check out all we know about Lost Ark Elgacia

Paulo Kawanishi
About the author
Paulo Kawanishi
Paulo Kawanishi is a Brazilian freelance writer. While trying to keep up with all the releases, he is always playing old games or walking in Eorzea. He is also finishing a Ph.D. on Applied Linguistics which helps him to talk more about games.
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