Lost Ark Lagoon Island: How To Earn The Lagoon Island Token

Lost Ark Lagoon Island: How To Earn The Lagoon Island Token
Images via Smilegate

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


6th Jun 2022 09:41

Gaining the Lost Ark Lagoon Island Token is much simpler than many other islands, as players just need to complete a short quest that features a boss fight until they earn the vital collectible. The methods for earning Lost Ark tokens are wildly different from island to island, but it's worth exploring all of them if you want to make the most of the end-game. So read on for our breakdown of Lost Ark Lagoon Island. 

Lost Ark Lagoon Island: Where Is The Island?

Lost Ark Lagoon Island location
Click to enlarge

Lagoon Island can be found across the ocean from Rohendel, just south-west of Bern. It's located just past the nearby Ister Island, and is west of one of the Lost Ark Tooki Island locations. It's an adventure island which means it only spawns at certain times in the week, and isn't guaranteed to appear every single day. You can check whether Lagoon Island is up by using Procyon's Compass directly below the minimap, or the alarm clock in the top left. 

It's recommended you reach combat level 50 and equipped item level 250 for this island, and it's not a bad idea to grind some more levels for your item level before venturing here, as the island boss can be quite tough. 


Lost Ark Lagoon Island: How To Find The Island Token

Lost Ark Lagoon Island token
Click to enlarge

Earning the Lost Ark Lagoon Island Token is as simple as killing the island boss as part of a cooperative quest that begins three minutes after dropping your anchor. The quest tasks the players who have landed to kill Iar Kaya, and upon killing it, there is a chance the Island Token will drop. You may have to repeat this quest and kill the boss a few times to get the Island Token because of the RNG. 

Iar Kaya can also drop an epic quality rune when killed which can be a useful item for certain classes. There is also a questline on the island which can be activated by talking to the Boatman once you land, and you can earn some engravings and Lost Ark Pirate Coins for completing it.

That's our breakdown of the Lost Ark Lagoon Island, and now you know where to find the place, along with how to earn the Island Token. 

Make sure to check out Lost Ark Gems, so you can understand a unique way of gaining power in the end-game.

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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