Lost Ark Forpe Island: How To Get The Forpe Island Token In Lost Ark

Lost Ark Forpe Island: How To Get The Forpe Island Token In Lost Ark
Images via Smilegate

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


30th May 2022 14:49

To get the Lost Ark Forpe Island Token, you will need to take part in a cooperative quest that sees you turn into an explosive chicken to defeat a world boss. Gaining the Lost Ark collectible tokens is a vital part of the end-game, where you explore over a hundred islands and gain even more power. So if you need to know how to get the Lost Ark Forpe Island Token, we'll show you. 

  • Make sure to check our breakdown of how the Lost Ark Harmony Shards work so you can increase your item level and become more powerful. 

Lost Ark Forpe Island: How To Find Forpe Island

Lost Ark Forpe Island location
Click to enlarge

Forpe Island can be found to the west of the Anikka continent, which is on the very far right of the world map. It's located a little south-west of the Port City Changun, which is the best location to set sail from. You can also find it from sailing northward from Lost Ark Lullaby Island.

You will need to be in the end-game content before venturing here, and it's recommended you reach equipped item level 250 before taking part. Forpe Island is also an adventure island, which adds to its difficulty to find. This means it's part of a somewhat randomised schedule where it's available for limited times, and not necessarily every day. You can check whether it's available by using your Procyon's Compass below the minimap, or by using the alarm clock in the top left of the screen. 


Lost Ark Forpe Island: How To Get The Island Token

Lost Ark Forpe Island token
Click to enlarge

Once a player has docked on the island, a three-minute timer will begin that counts down to the cooperative quest called Ask for an Archaeologist. Before this quest begins, players will want to search the island for chests to interact with. Opening a chest will turn you into a chicken, which is vital to completion of the quest. 

After you've made the transformation, navigate toward the centre of the island where the rest of the players should be, and wait for the boss Batu Ak Jin to spawn. You will have a Q ability that lets you kamikaze and explode, draining most of your health but turning you back into your human form. If enough players successfully do this, Batu Ak Jin will be killed, and he has a chance of dropping the Forpe Island Token. 

As the drop is based on RNG, you may have to return to the island to complete the quest a few times before the token. In addition, Batu Ak Jin can also drop a secret map that leads to a mysterious chest, along with a rare mount, the Red Mane Wolf. 

There's our rundown of the Lost Ark Forpe Island, and now you know how to defeat the boss and collect the Island Token.

Here's our breakdown of how to make the most effective Lost Ark Glaivier build so you can take it to enemies in both PvE and PvP.


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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