How To Toast Another Player In MultiVersus

How To Toast Another Player In MultiVersus
Images via Player First Games

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


27th Jul 2022 09:31

The MultiVersus Toasting feature is a great way of showing respect to other players after finishing a match, but it also comes with some cool benefits, making it a worthwhile thing to do. MultiVersus is now in its open beta period, meaning more players than ever can jump into the WarnerBros. crossover fighter, which mashes a tonne of characters from different properties together and makes them fight it out in chaotic brawls. If you've heard about Toasting but don't know what it is, read on for a breakdown of how to Toast another player in MultiVersus

  • We also have a list of the full MultiVersus roster, which also covers the rumoured, leaked, and datamined characters. 

MultiVersus: How To Toast Another Player

MultiVersus: How To Toast Another Player
Click to enlarge

You can Toast other players in MultiVersus as a signal of your respect or admiration after a match has finished. Toast itself is an item in the game you can purchase for Gold from the Collections menu, or earn by completing tiers of the premium and free battle pass.

Toasting a player will notify them that you have done so, while also rewarding them with 20 Gold. This is useful as characters themselves cost Gold, and while you only receive a small reward for being Toasted, it adds up over time if other players continue to Toast you.

To Toast another player, you will first need to face them, or be on their team, in an online match. Once the match has finished and the winner is declared, you will all be taken to a stats screen that shows everyone's player banner, and includes the total amount of KOs and damage each player dished out.

If you have some Toast (which is shown by a counter in the top-right of the screen), there will be a button above the other player's banners that says "give toast," and clicking this will give them the Toast and inform them that they have been Toasted. 


You can also see if you have been Toasted during this screen, as it will pop up in the top right corner with the name of the Toastee. It's also worth noting there are a fair few challenges and even some achievements right now that are associated with Toasting, so it's worth doing for the free Gold you earn from completing challenges. 

That's all for our primer on how to Toast another player in MultiVersus, and now you know the purpose of the feature, what benefits it has, and how to do it after a game.

If you've run into the MultiVersus syncing account state issue, check out how to fix it and carry on playing. 

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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