Halo Infinite Player Count: How Many People Play On Xbox And PC?

Halo Infinite Player Count: How Many People Play On Xbox And PC?
Images via 343 Industries

Written by 

Dave McAdam


26th Jan 2023 20:14

Halo Infinite player count is a point of interest for many fans of the classic online shooter series. Halo Infinite has not had the easiest go of it, and the player count since its launch reflects that. Here is everything you need to know about how many people on Xbox and PC make up the Halo Infinite player count.

Halo Infinite Player Count: PC Players

Halo Infinite Player Count: A multi-coloured squad of Spartans
Click to enlarge

Before Halo Infinite, it was a rare thing to see a Halo game on the PC. The first game, Halo Combat Evolved had a PC port, and Halo 2 had its infamous Windows Vista port, but otherwise, the franchise was Xbox only until the Master Chief Collection brought the series back to the PC.

This, alongside the advent of the PC Game Pass, paved the way for Halo Infinite to launch simultaneously on Xbox and PC. Furthermore, not only was Halo Infinite made available through Game Pass, but the multiplayer aspect is free-to-play and available on Steam.

Unfortunately, it seems these things have done little to maintain a high player count for Halo Infinite on PC. It started strong with an average active player count of over 100,000 players in the first month, but every subsequent month saw drop after drop, until each month saw an average player count in the low to mid thousands.

Coming into 2023, Halo Infinite is holding an average PC player count of 3,000 to 4,000 each month. The player count has its peaks, reaching as high as 7,000 and even 12,000 in recent months. While the numbers are not what they once were, it is safe to say you shouldn't have an issue finding a match if you jump on Halo Infinite today.

Halo Infinite Player Count: Xbox Players

Halo Infinite Player Count: Master Chief running alongside a Warthog
Click to enlarge

There are no players more dedicated to the Halo franchise than Xbox fans. The Xbox is home turf for Halo Infinite, so you might expect to see it do well there. Unfortunately, unlike with PC, we do not have access to all the behind-the-scenes info on the Xbox version of the game. As such, we can only infer based on the little information we do have.

According to statista.com, the number of Xbox Live users has increased dramatically in recent years, likely due to the success of Game Pass and the Xbox Series S. With over 120 million active users, the service has never been more popular. Further, according to MicrosoftHalo Infinite is currently the 15th most popular game on Xbox.

We cannot estimate a clear number based on this information, but it would seem safe to say that Halo Infinite is much more popular on the Xbox than it is on PC. So, if you want to play it and you want to be where most people are, Xbox would be the way to go.

That is it for this Halo Infinite player count breakdown. For more on the game, check out our report on how 343 Industries clarifies the future of Halo.

Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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