Genshin Impact Fayz Trials Event: Everything You Need To Know

Genshin Impact Fayz Trials Event: Everything You Need To Know
Images via HoYoverse

Written by 

Kiera Mills


7th Sep 2022 16:38

The newest Genshin Impact Fayz Trials Event takes place in Sumeru and involves players taking part in seven days of combat challenges. Participating in the Genshin Impact event will result in rewards such as Primogems, Hero's Wit, Ascension Materials and more. For full details on what we know about the event so far, and entry requirements read here.

Genshin Impact Fayz Trials: Event Duration

The Fayz Trials Event commences on September 8 and will run until September 26, so join while you can.

Genshin Impact Fayz Trials Event Prerequisites

Genshin Impact Dvalin
Click to enlarge

To participate in the Fayz Trials event, you must be Adventure Rank 20 or above and you must have completed the 'Act III Song of the Dragon and Freedom' Archon quest (set during the prologue where you must face Dvalin).


  • For help on your Genshin Impact journey, check out our guide to enhancing weapons in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact Fayz Trials Event Details

Genshin Impact Fayz Trials
Click to enlarge

The seven combat challenges will unlock every day for the first seven days of the event. The challenges will involve taking Fayz Potions which will freeze time for you to access enemies' weaknesses (this is known as time dilation mode). Assessing weaknesses will result in unleashing the 'Supersense Skill' which helps complete the challenge faster and yields more reward points.

The challenge will be limited to specific trial characters, supplied by the event, and defeating enemies using Supersense will result in more points to go towards rewards. The event is classified as an Academia Researcher's commission.

Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a guides writer, having recently graduated from university. She spends way too much time dreaming about the next God of War game.
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