How To Enhance Weapons In Genshin Impact

How To Enhance Weapons In Genshin Impact
Images via miHoYo

Written by 

Chris Penwell


29th Aug 2022 10:17

You should enhance weapons in Genshin Impact, especially if you want to take out tough bosses and other enemies along the way. By levelling your Genshin Impact weapons like a bow and arrow up, their base attack is increased and the energy recharge percentage gets a boost. Here's how to enhance weapons in Genshin Impact.

Where to Enhance Weapons in Genshin Impact

Enhance Weapons in Genshin Impact
Click to enlarge
Screenshot by GGRecon

To start enhancing your weapons in Genshin Impact, pause the game with the Options button or the ESC key on your keyboard and select "Character" on the menu which has Aether's head as a logo. Next, head to "Weapons" and confirm the selection. Hover over the weapon you want to enhance and press the triangle button (or keyboard equivalent) on it. 


On the bottom right, you'll see that you can equip enhancement materials to use to enhance your weapon. You can press the triangle button to auto-add the weapons or materials you want to spend. Press down on the D-Pad to select the quality of items you want to add to the process. If you don't care about your three-star weapons, select that option, as that will have the greatest effect on your weapon enhancement efforts. 

If you want to proceed in Genshin Impact and explore the new Sumeru region later down the line, you'll need to upgrade your weapons regularly.

Use Your Enhancement Ore And Ascending Weapons in Genshin Impact

Chaos Device Genshin Impact
Click to enlarge
Screenshot via GGRecon

You can also press square to add materials yourself rather than having the game choose for you. Enhancement ore isn't added automatically but when used, it can increase your weapon's level drastically. They're the purple crystals that are at the beginning of the page. We had 319 Enhancement Ore in stock and using nine, we were able to get a four-star weapon to its max state. 

Each weapon at Level 20 can be ascended like how characters level up. For the Favonius Warbow, for example, we need three Fetters of the Dandelion Gladiator, three Chaos Devices, and two Whopperflower Nectar. If you press the right stick (R3) on each material, Genshin Impact will give you a description and where to find them. For example, Chaos Devices can be dropped by Ruin Guards and Ruin Hunters, in addition to being bought from the Stardust Exchange. 

As you ascend your weapons, your party, with characters like Heizou and potentially in the future Al Haitham, will drastically improve and you can start laying the smackdown on bosses and other annoying enemies. 

For more Genshin Impact guides, be sure to keep reading GGRecon.

Chris Penwell
About the author
Chris Penwell
Chris Penwell is an experienced video games journalist with a Bachelor in Communications. He loves to play narrative-focused games like Kingdom Hearts and Beyond Good & Evil.
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