Fortnite Ezio: Fortnite X Assassin's Creed Crossover Explained

Fortnite Ezio: Fortnite X Assassin's Creed Crossover Explained
Epic Games | Ubisoft

Written by 

Coleman Hamstead


2nd Mar 2022 14:57

Fortnite Ezio is the most recent addition to the star-studded Gaming Legends Series. Ezio, the leader of the Assassin Brotherhood, will join Fortnite as part of a Fortnite X Assassin's Creed collaboration. Let's go over what's included in this Fortnite Ezio crossover: how to get the Ezio skin, the price, release date, and more.

Fortnite Ezio: What's Included

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The highlight of this Fortnite X Assassin's Creed collaboration is Ezio Auditore, the main protagonist of Assassin's Creed 2. This master assassin has been transformed into a Fortnite skin. The Fortnite Ezio outfit features a standard Ezio variant with the hood up along with an alternate style that shows off his face.

Accompanying Ezio's arrival in Fortnite is the Assassin's Strike Built-In Emote and Ezio's Hidden Blade Harvesting Tool. The Assassin's Strike Built-In Emote depicts Ezio showing off the hidden blades attached to his wrists. The Hidden Blaze Harvesting Tool puts those blades into action and lets you use them as a Pickaxe.

Fortnite Ezio: How To Get

As is the case with almost all of the Fortnite Icon Series skins and crossover skins, Fortnite Ezio and the rest of the Assassin's Creed cosmetics will be exclusive to the Item Shop. To get the Ezio outfit, you'll need to pay attention to the Item Shop and purchase it with V-Bucks during the period that it's in rotation.

Fortnite Ezio: Price

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While an official price has not been confirmed, we can take an educated guess that the Fortnite Ezio skin will cost 1,500 V-Bucks. 

The Ezio outfit is the newest addition to the Gaming Legends Series containing gaming icons like Master Chief, Kratos, Aloy, and more. Almost every one of these skins has a base cost of 1,500 V-Bucks. Epic Games tends to favour uniform pricing, so there's no reason to expect the Ezio outfit to be valued any differently.

The Ezio Bundle with the Assassin's Strike Built-In Emote and Ezio's Hidden Blade Harvesting Tool will probably go for something between the ranges of 1,800 and 2,600 V-Bucks. 


Fortnite Ezio: Release Date

Since the Fortnite Ezio skin and accompanying cosmetics were just leaked and decrypted with the v19.40 update, we have no word yet on an official release date. However, the fact that this crossover collaboration leaked with the most recent update likely means that it's scheduled to arrive in the Item Shop relatively soon. Expect the Fortnite Ezio outfit to show up in the store within the next couple of weeks.

Fortnite Ezio: Additional Assassin's Creed Cosmetics And Event

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To the dismay of Assassin's Creed fanatics everywhere, no additional Assassin's Creed Fortnite cosmetics or in-game events have leaked. This doesn't mean they aren't coming, but the chances are slim. 

On the bright side, this Fortnite X Assassin's Creed crossover existing at all means that there's always a chance for an expansion on the collaboration. Players wishing for skins in the likeness of other Assassin's Creed characters may not be entirely out of luck.

That concludes our summary of Fortnite Ezio and the Fortnite X Assassin's Creed collaboration. Now that you know all the details surrounding this upcoming crossover, all that's left is to wait patiently until its official arrival in Fortnite. Until then, consider taking on the Fortnite Amazing Web Week challenges before they disappear for good.


Coleman Hamstead
About the author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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