Fire Emblem Engage Release Date, Trailers, Gameplay, And More

Fire Emblem Engage Release Date, Trailers, Gameplay, And More
Images via Intelligent Systems

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


19th Sep 2022 15:33

The Fire Emblem franchise has been running strong for over thirty years, with sixteen games making up the core series, and now the latest title has been revealed and is set to come in early 2023. Fire Emblem Engage is a tactical role-playing game that features many of the previous characters in the series, and sees you prepare to take on an ancient dragon called the Fell Dragon. There are some differences that set Fire Emblem Engage apart from previous entries, so if you want to know all there is to know, including the release date, gameplay, and more, we've got you covered. 

Fire Emblem Engage Release Date

Fire Emblem Engage is set to release on January 20, 2023, which is the release date that was announced during the game's reveal at the September Nintendo Direct. There is also a Divine Edition of the game that players can pre-order, which features a special artbook, poster, steelbook case, and art cards.


Fire Emblem Engage Trailers

The only trailer that has been released for Fire Emblem Engage as we write this, is the announcement trailer that debuted during the Nintendo Direct on September 13. It was over three minutes long and featured a lot of information about the game, detailing the overall plot, showing tactical combat gameplay, and showing returning characters from previous Fire Emblem games. 

Fire Emblem Engage Gameplay

Fire Emblem Engage Gameplay
Click to enlarge

In Engage, you will play as Alear, a warrior who has been in slumber for 1000 years after helping defeat the Fell Dragon who brought ruin to the world. Eventually, you are woken up as the Fell Dragon returns, and tasked with helping defeat it by travelling across the continent of Elyos and collecting the Emblem Rings that represent powerful heroes from other games.

Fire Emblem Engage's combat is turn-based, where the player selects moves during an overview of the battlefield, and then it zooms in as they are completed. A big aspect of the combat are the Emblem Rings, which you can equip to combine the powers of other characters together. Outside of combat, there is also some exploration in hub areas where you can talk to other characters or shop vendors to purchase goods. 

Fire Emblem Engage Platforms

Fire Emblem Engage is only set to release on the Nintendo Switch.

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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