Failed To Load Skyrim Address Library: Causes, And How To Fix

Failed To Load Skyrim Address Library: Causes, And How To Fix
Images via Bethesda

Written by 

Harry Boulton


12th Jul 2022 10:45

Some players are running into the 'failed to load Skyrim address library' error after launching the new Skyrim Together Reborn mod, and it can seem impossible to fix if you don't know what you're doing. There's nothing worse than installing a new Skyrim mod, and then messing up your game because of it, as often it seems hopeless, with no solution in sight. However, we have all the answers for you if you're running into the 'failed to load Skyrim address library' problem, so make sure to carry on reading.

What Causes The Failed To Load Skyrim Address Library Issue?

failed to load Skyrim address library causes
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The main cause of the 'failed to load Skyrim address library' problem is selecting the wrong directory after launching the mod for the first time. 

If you followed our guide on how to play Skyrim Together Reborn, you will have reached a point where selecting the SkyrimTogether is executable, the game will ask you to select the actual Skyrim executable file, presumably so that it can use that as a means to play the game. 

However, if you manage to select anything other than that specific file, you will seemingly be stuck in a loop with the 'failed to load Skyrim address library' error, with the only two options immediately available to you being to close the application, or visit the library mod page.

How To Fix The Failed To Load Skyrim Address Library Issue

failed to load Skyrim address library how to fix
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Thankfully, there is a very easy, albeit not obvious way to fix the 'failed to load Skyrim address library' issue. All you need to do is hold down the space bar when you double-click on the SkyrimTogther.exe, and it should bring up the selection menu again, allowing you to choose the SkyrimSE.exe correctly this time. 


While the above solution is the most likely fix for you, there are a couple of other things to check if the previous cause and solution does not apply to you, or has not worked.

When downloading the Address Library for SKSE Plugins mod, you need to make sure that it was the All in one (Anniversary Edition) that you chose, as opposed to the All in one (Special Edition), as the latter is incompatible with the mod. The fix for this is just to uninstall the Special Edition, and then reinstall it as the Anniversary version.

If you've happened to use a patch downgrader after installing the Skyrim Together Reborn mod, you must reverse this by updating to the latest version of the game, as anything prior to 1.6 will not work.

Finally, if you've used Mod Organiser 2 to install both Skyrim Together and the Address Library mod, you'll need to right-click on Address Library and click file explorer. From there, copy the SKSE folder and paste it into the DATA folder in your Skyrim directory. If you don't know where this is located, you can usually find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data.

So, that's how to solve the 'failed to load Skyrim address library' issue when trying to play the Skyrim Together Reborn mod, giving you a couple of different solutions that should eventually work for you. In the meantime, why not check out these games like Skyrim for some other similar and exciting experiences.

Harry Boulton
About the author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites like The Loadout, PCGamesN, and Red Bull Gaming. You can most likely find him blathering about Counter Strike or praying that Bloodborne somehow makes it onto PC.
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