Dying Light 2 Campfire Encounter: What Are The Campfires For?

Dying Light 2 Campfire Encounter: What Are The Campfires For?
Images: Techland

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


10th Feb 2022 12:40

The Dying Light 2 campfire encounters are confusing some players, as they are unsure what the purpose of them are.

The campfires just constitute one aspect of Dying Light 2's open world, which is chock-full of random encounters, locations to explore, collectibles, and much more. What is their purpose though, and does an encounter with the campfire provide any rewards for the player? Here is our breakdown of what a Dying Light 2 campfire encounter is all about.

Dying Light 2 Campfire Encounter: How To Find Them

Dying Light 2 Campfire Encounter
Click to enlarge

The Dying Light 2 campfires can be found all across the rooftops of Villedor, both in the old city and the Central Loop. The safety of the rooftops provides an opportunity for survivors to gather around and experience some reprieve from the infected. They are often found close to windmills and other safehouses, and when you are close to one, they are marked by a book icon.

Sometimes you can also find the remains of campfires, as infected who have managed to navigate to the roofs prey on corpses. 

Dying Light 2 Campfire Encounter: What Are They For?

There's only one real purpose for an encounter at a campfire, as they serve to provide lore to the players and immerse you into the world of Villedor's survivors. There are no challenges associated with them, but they do increase your health when you sit down at one. They mainly focus on informing you about the world you're playing in. When you sit down at one of these campfires, an NPC will take over the conversation and tell their story to the group.


The narratives that unfold can range from hopeful stories to tales of horror and loss, and while they serve no connection to the larger plot or any of the main characters, they're still interesting additions. If you're easily bored while idle or hate doing something without a reward, the campfires may not be for you, but if you're looking to expand your understanding of Dying Light's world - then stay awhile and listen.

That's our primer on the Dying Light 2 campfire encounters, including where you can typically find them, and what they consist of.

If you're interested in seeking out some hidden secrets and Easter eggs, then check our Dying Light 2 Easter egg weapons guide.


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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