How To Complete A Taste of Home In Disney Dreamlight Valley

How To Complete A Taste of Home In Disney Dreamlight Valley
Images via Gameloft

Written by 

Kiera Mills


22nd Feb 2023 11:15

A Taste of Home is a recently added quest to Disney Dreamlight Valley, featuring Mirabel from Encanto.  In the Disney Dreamlight Valley quest, you must help Mirabel remember her home by making Buñuelos for her.

This is a quest that will unlock after reaching friendship level four with Mirabel. To learn the Buñuelos recipe and how to complete the quest, read on.

How to Make Buñuelos in Disney Dreamlight Valley

How to Make Buñuelos in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Click to enlarge

Go to Remy's restaurant in the Valley and prepare the following ingredients to make Buñuelos:

  • Milk
  • Wheat
  • Eggs
  • Cheese (This is the missing ingredient that Remy will not be able to find)

The ingredients shouldn't be too difficult to acquire. You can get Milk, Eggs and Cheese from Remy's pantry shop and Wheat or Wheat Seeds can be bought at Goofy's Peaceful Meadow stall (if it has been upgraded at least once).

Return to Mirabel where she will then direct you to make three more plates of Buñuelos and give them to villagers.

Once you have made Buñuelos, deliver a plate of them to Mickey, Goofy and Scrooge. Then return to Mirabel to complete the quest.

Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a guides writer, having recently graduated from university. She spends way too much time dreaming about the next God of War game.
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