Destiny 2 Solstice Armour: How To Get God Roll Armour

Destiny 2 Solstice Armour: How To Get God Roll Armour
Images via Bungie

Written by 

Dave McAdam


25th Jul 2022 16:13

Destiny 2 Solstice armour is an excellent opportunity for Guardians to gain some powerful armour. Destiny 2 armour pieces have unique stats, and gaining high-stat armour is a big part of endgame play. With this year's Solstice event, players can take back some of the randomness of the game and work toward the armour they want. Here is what you need to know to get god rolls for Destiny 2 Solstice armour.

Destiny 2 Solstice Armour: How To Get And Upgrade

Guardians leap into battle in the European Aerial Zone, facing off against some Taken
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As mentioned, this method involves the Solstice event. Naturally then, your first port of call is Eva Levante in the Tower. Speak with Eva to begin the event. She will give you a package with all five base versions of the armour pieces, known as the Candescent set. Each of these armour pieces can be upgraded, which changes their appearance as they begin to glow, but more importantly, improves their stats. For these upgrades, you need two materials, Kindling and Silver Ash.

Kindling is quite simple to gain. Eva will give you a card of Solstice challenges to complete. The rewards for these challenges are Kindling, and the challenges all centre around the things you are going to be doing during the event anyway. Check the card for challenges you need to complete, and work your way through it to stock up on Kindling.

The other material, Silver Ash, is acquired by burning Silver Leaves in the Bonfire Bash activity. This activity is tied to the event, and it is where you will be getting most of your Kindling from as well. First, you need to gather Silver Leaves. These can be acquired from completing almost any activity while wearing Solstice armour. The more armour you are wearing, the better your rewards.

The most optimal method for this is to use a checkpoint at the end of a campaign mission and swap between characters to gain the rewards multiple times. This method requires some friends to help out, and considering Bungie have already disabled Silver Leaf drops from the Investigation mission, it may not be a sustainable method. It is worth a try as it is very quick, but if further missions have their drops disabled, just play regular content and you will still get plenty of Silver Leaves. Aim for game modes that have a quick turnaround, like Mayhem in the Crucible.

Once you are stocked up on Silver Leaves, go complete rounds of the Bonfire Bash activity to convert the leaves into Silver Ash. Once you have enough of both materials, you can begin upgrading your Solstice armour.

  • If you want to cap off your new armour set with a shiny new exotic, check out our Destiny 2 Lost Sectors guide.

Destiny 2 Solstice Armour: How To Get God Rolls

A Titan cleans dirt off the pauldron of their shiny new armour
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Now for the fun bit. There are three levels of upgrades for each piece of Solstice armour. The first two improve the armour, but the third gives you a choice. You can choose any of the six attributes to imbue, and whichever one you choose is guaranteed to have a 20+ roll in that stat. This step alone consumes 120 Silver Ash, so be sure to gather plenty of it.


The trick here is to equip a particular kind of Ghost mod. Ghosts have a mod type in their third slot called Armourer mods. When equipped, these mods guarantee that armour with random stats will have at least 10 points in a stat of your choosing, and yes this can be used in conjunction with upgrading your Solstice armour.

Let's say, for example, your character has high agility, but is lacking in resilience and absolutely suffering in recovery. What you could do, is equip the Resilience Armourer mod on your Ghost, then upgrade one of your Solstice armour pieces with a Spark of  Recovery to get at least 20 points of Recovery and 10 points of Resilience. Using this method, it is possible to fully kit yourself out in extremely powerful armour, with high stats across the board.

That is everything you need to do to get Destiny 2 Solstice armour god rolls. For more on the game, check out our coverage of a potential Destiny 2 poison subclass in the future.

Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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