Destiny 2 Silver Leaves And Silver Ash: How To Get And Use

Destiny 2 Silver Leaves And Silver Ash: How To Get And Use
Images via Bungie

Written by 

Dave McAdam


27th Jul 2022 13:07

Destiny 2 Silver Leaves are the primary resource of the current Solstice event. Destiny 2 runs the Solstice event every Summer, and this year the event is extremely useful for making some powerful armour. Before you can do that, you are going to need to stock up on plenty of Silver Leaves. Here is everything you need to know about Destiny 2 Silver Leaves, how to get them and why they are so important.

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Destiny 2 Silver Leaves: How To Get

The menu screen for entering a Witch Queen story mission
Click to enlarge

Destiny 2 Silver Leaves are the base material for the processes involved in the Solstice event. As such, they can be gained from just about anywhere. Strikes, Crucible, Gambit, all the regular activities will award you with some Silver Leaves. Silver Leaves can be gathered passively, just play the game as you normally would and you will continue to stock up on them.


For those of you who really want to focus on filling your pockets with Silver Leaves, there are methods for farming them. Now, you might have seen mention of an exploit using one of the story missions and a particular checkpoint. Unfortunately, the Destiny fun police caught wise to that and shut it down. Now, you can still use the same exploit on other story missions, so here is the general gist of what you need to do.

First, pick one of the story missions from the Witch Queen campaign. A popular choice for this is The Ghosts mission, as it has a checkpoint right before the end. Play through the mission to the end, defeat the boss, then you need the help of a buddy. Leave the mission and change character, then rejoin your friend. Complete the mission to get 12 to 15 Silver Leaves.

After the mission, switch back to your original character who still has the mission checkpoint, load into the mission, switch characters, rinse and repeat. You can do this repeatedly until your boots are full, shouldn't take more than a handful of runs to max out your Silver Leaf reserves.

Destiny 2 Silver Leaves: How To Use

The full set of Hunter Solstice armour
Click to enlarge

The specific purpose of the Silver Leaves is for upgrading your Solstice armour. As detailed in the guide linked above, there is a way to get the most out of this process. By using a particular Ghost mod you can use this process to get yourself some really powerful armour. The key to this is Silver Ash and Kindling, which you will need plenty of.

Destiny 2 Silver Ash: How To Get

To get Silver Ash, take your Silver Leaves into the Bonfire Bash game mode and complete it. Each run will turn several of your Silver Leaves into piles of Silver Ash. If you are looking to farm these materials, your best bet is to gather as many Silver Leaves as you can hold and take them into repeated runs of Bonfire Bash to turn them all into Silver Ash.

Fully upgrading your Solstice armour will require hundreds of piles of Silver Ash, so you need to stock up well. Completing Bonfire Bash will also help you complete the challenges that award you with Kindling, the other material required for upgrading Solstice armour.

Long story short, get as much of these materials as you can to upgrade your Solstice armour. It is very much worth doing, especially if you follow the guide linked above to get the absolute most out of it.

That is everything there is to know about Destiny 2 Silver Leaves. For more on the game, check out our Destiny 2 Catharsis guide.

Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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