Dead By Daylight Patch 6.1.0: New Progression System Explained

Dead By Daylight Patch 6.1.0: New Progression System Explained
Images via Behaviour Interactive

Written by 

Dave McAdam


20th Jul 2022 17:28

Dead by Daylight patch 6.1.0 is here, and with it the new changes to how progression works. Dead by Daylight has a cast of characters to play as, each with their own perks and progression. There are systems for how to unlock those perks, but they have now been drastically changed. Here is everything you need to know about the changes to progression in Dead by Daylight patch 6.1.0.

Dead by Daylight Progression: The Old System

The unique perks of one of the characters, Mikaela Reid
Click to enlarge

Before we go over the changes, let's briefly go over the old progression system for anyone unfamiliar. Dead by Daylight has a system called the Bloodweb, where players can spend Bloodpoints for items, add-ons, and perks. By progressing through the Bloodweb from level one to level fifty, you can unlock new perks and upgrade existing ones.

This is how you make your characters stronger, by unlocking useful perks, upgrading them, and gathering items to equip. When you got to level fifty in the old system, you could either remain there, unlocking things on the Bloodweb but no longer progressing levels, or you could prestige. Prestige resets your level to zero so you can go through the levelling process again, while giving a cosmetic reward to signify your achievement.

The problem with this system, is the cost of reaching level fifty repeatedly and losing all your perks and items, versus the reward of a small cosmetic item, was simply not worthwhile for most players. The most important thing was to unlock a character's unique Teachable Perks, which would make the perk available in the Bloodwebs of other characters.

Dead by Daylight Progression: The New System

The screen that appears when logging into the game after the new patch, which explains the changes to the progression system
Click to enlarge

As of patch 6.1.0, Dead by Daylight handles player progression very differently. What hasn't changed is the Bloodweb, you still need to invest your Bloodpoints to gain items and perks. The things that have changed are prestige and unlocking perks for other characters. Teachable Perks are no longer a thing. You do not need to upgrade a character's unique perks to unlock them for others.


Instead, perks are unlocked universally by reaching prestige. When you prestige a character, their three unique perks become available for all other characters. Reaching prestige once unlocks the first level of the perk, twice unlocks the second, and a third prestige will unlock the full upgraded perks to be used by anyone. Other characters can still upgrade these perks through the Bloodweb, but now with three prestige ranks you can ensure all other characters have all three perks at max level from the get-go.

Prestige was not an enticing offer before, but now it is much different. Not only do you unlock your perks for all other characters, but now you keep all unlocked perks and items when you prestige. For twenty thousand Bloodpoints, you can start over from level one with all your unlocks and have that character's perks become available for all others instantly.

This new system isn't an overhaul, rather a reinvention of the existing one. Behaviour has taken out the things that did not work, and replaced them with things that do.

That is everything new in the Dead by Daylight patch 6.1.0 progression system update. For more on the game, check out our Dead by Daylight Attack on Titan crossover guide.

Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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