Dead by Daylight System Requirements

Dead by Daylight System Requirements
Images via Behaviour Interactive

Written by 

Dave McAdam


16th Aug 2022 20:35

Dead by Daylight system requirements are the minimum requirements for the performance power you need to play the game on PC. Dead by Daylight is available on all major platforms, but the PC version is where the best players play. Ahead is the list of system requirements you will need to meet in order to play the game, both the minimum and the recommended. Here is everything you need to know about Dead by Daylight system requirements.

Dead by Daylight System Requirements: Minimum Requirements

The Trapper approaches a frightened Survivor
Click to enlarge

Even for a game that came out in 2016, the minimum system requirements for Dead by Daylight mean the game is playable on just about any relatively modern gaming PC. Dead by Daylight is a competitive multiplayer game, and a major concern for games like this are to make sure the game runs well on just about any machine, so they tend to be light on features that would cause a lot of unnecessary strain on the PC. Here are the minimum specifications for Dead by Daylight.

  •  Intel Core i3-4170, or AMD FX-8120
  • DX11 Compatible GeForce GTX 460 with 1GB of RAM, or AMD HD 6850 with 1GB of RAM
  • At least 8GB of RAM
  • 50GB of storage space

The minimum specs for this game are really quite low, as in no PC sold in the last ten years has had hardware less powerful than this. The highest bar to clear is the 8GB of RAM, which is an amount most modern games require. RAM is hugely important for online multiplayer games, so having plenty of it is what you want. Otherwise, you probably have a calculator that can hit the numbers these specs require.


Dead by Daylight System Requirements: Recommended Specifications

The Trapper sneaks up on Claudette
Click to enlarge

There really is no ceiling on how far you can push a gaming PC, the only limit is your wallet. That said, there really is no reason to go overboard if you are looking for a PC that can play Dead by Daylight. As we will see, you really don't need too much to get the most out of the game. Here are the recommended specifications for Dead by Daylight.

  •  Intel Core i3-4170, or AMD FX-8300 or higher
  • DX11 Compatible GeForce 760, or AMD HD 8800 or higher with 4GB of RAM
  • 8GB of RAM
  • 50GB of storage space

As you can see, even the recommended specifications are very low by today's standards. Dead by Daylight launched in 2016, and gaming technology has come a long way in the years since. If you are looking to jump into the game and you're not sure if your PC can handle it, rest assured it almost definitely can.

That is everything there is to know about the Dead by Daylight system requirements on PC. For more on the game, check out our Dead by Daylight Wesker guide.

Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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