Broken Pieces Restaurant Key Location

Broken Pieces Restaurant Key Location
Images via Elseware Experience

Written by 

Harry Boulton


8th Sep 2022 17:58

The Broken Pieces restaurant key can be a bit tricky to find if you don't know exactly where to look, and even though it is an optional task it can still be very helpful to get your hands on. While the main attraction of the restaurant in Broken Pieces is the De Reault key in the room above, you can actually get through the back door and it leads to a couple of secrets. So, to find out how to get your hands on the Broken Pieces restaurant key, make sure to carry on reading.

Where To Find The Broken Pieces Restaurant Key

Broken Pieces Restaurant Key location
Click to enlarge

If you had a listen to the answering machine in the restaurant you might have a bit of an idea where the key for the backdoor can be found. The restaurant owner mentions that it has been lost at the post office, but gives no indication of where the post office is, or where he lost it.

Where Is The Post Office

To start with, the post office can be found just round the corner from your house, opposite the gates to the park before the beach, and the army vehicle. It has a blue front with 'Saint-Exil' and 'Bureau De Poste' as signs above the windows.

How To Find The Key

Contrary to what the answering machine, or the objective journal might lead you to believe, the key isn't actually inside the post office, as the building is completely inaccessible. Instead, it has fallen down the drain just outside the building, and you'll need to do some maneuvering to get it out.

You will need to make sure that you're in the summer weather though, as if it is in the winter you'll be unable to interact with the drain. Once you've made sure the weather is correct though, you'll want to head to the drain that is the furthest away from your house. You should be able to interact with it, and Elise will use a plank to move it down.


Once you've done that, head to the other drain which is a bit closer to your house and the key should be sitting there waiting to be picked up.

What Is Behind The Locked Restaurant Door In Broken Pieces?

Broken Pieces Restaurant Key behind the door
Click to enlarge

There is quite a lot to find behind the Broken Pieces locked restaurant door, but the main things you'll be interested in are the following:

  • Hidden items behind some lockers
  • A new memory level
  • Shortcut back to the house

None of these are required if you want to just finish the game, but they can come in handy if you're wanting to complete everything, or get a better understanding of the story and Elise's past.

So, that's everything you need to know about the Broken Pieces restaurant key, including where to find it, and what exactly lies behind the locked door. If you happen to be stuck looking for the two Broken Pieces cogs needed to get to the Assumption Church though, look no further than our guide for all the details.

Harry Boulton
About the author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites like The Loadout, PCGamesN, and Red Bull Gaming. You can most likely find him blathering about Counter Strike or praying that Bloodborne somehow makes it onto PC.
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